Artist Creates Adorable Comics About The Cat He And His Wife Rescued And Here Are 45 Of His Best Illustrations

Life with a cat is never boring :)

  • Published in Animals
Artist Creates Adorable Comics About The Cat He And His Wife Rescued And Here Are 45 Of His Best Illustrations

Lucas Turnbloom is an artist and illustrator from Southern California, and he is mostly known for his comic series How to Cat. The series stars an eccentric cat called Sweetie, and they depict everyday life with a cat he adopted.

"Last year, I went through the process of cat adoption. She's a very sweet kitty cat, but she's also a little, well... crazy. So, I decided to turn the funny cats' shenanigans into a webcomic called "How to Cat."

The funny comic was originally intended to be an inside joke for my wife and me, but she insisted that I put it on the internet and share the silly cat with the world."

1. Why?

1. Why?How To Cat


2.How To Cat

3. New strategy

3. New strategyHow To Cat


4.How To Cat


5.How To Cat


6.How To Cat

7. Mistake

7. MistakeHow To Cat


8.How To Cat


9.How To Cat

10. Some mistakes were made...

10. Some mistakes were made...How To Cat

11. A cat's gotta do what a cat's gotta do...

11. A cat's gotta do what a cat's gotta do...How To Cat

12. Staring at the wall

12. Staring at the wallHow To Cat


13.How To Cat


14.How To Cat


15.How To Cat


16.How To Cat


17.How To Cat

18. Missed a spot...

18. Missed a spot...How To Cat

19. A normal day

19. A normal dayHow To Cat


20.How To Cat

21. I can wait...

21. I can wait...How To Cat

22. Must hide

22. Must hideHow To Cat

23. Not prepared

23. Not preparedHow To Cat


24.How To Cat

25. Off limits

25. Off limitsHow To Cat

26. Costume ideas...

26. Costume ideas...How To Cat


27.How To Cat


28.How To Cat

29. Adorable

29. AdorableHow To Cat


30.How To Cat

31. Good luck

31. Good luckHow To Cat

32. The world is mine...

32. The world is mine...How To Cat

33. Challenge

33. ChallengeHow To Cat

34. Think again...

34. Think again...How To Cat

35. Don't like it...

35. Don't like it...How To Cat

36. Take the human

36. Take the humanHow To Cat


37.How To Cat

38. Mood swings

38. Mood swingsHow To Cat

39. TP....

39. TP....How To Cat


40.How To Cat

41. Bags are the best...

41. Bags are the best...How To Cat

42. Best way to drink water

42. Best way to drink waterHow To Cat


43.How To Cat


44.How To Cat


45.How To Cat