Shocking Visual Reminders to Always Wear a Helmet
All of these helmets survived an accident.

Motorcycles are pretty much an iconic symbol that screams "cool." Yet they are not without their dangers. Less than half of the states in the USA have mandatory helmet laws and the CDC has released proof that helmets and helmet laws significantly reduce motorcyclist deaths. And even then, motorcycles are not the only time we wear helmets. There is a wide variety of professions and sports that require it or at the very least, it significantly enhances your safety and could easily save your life to wear one. It's not really a debate that helmets save lives, it's just convincing people that their lives are worth it.
Because really, some people still don't quite get it. Whether it's an "I'm too cool for the helmet" mentality or just general laziness, we're not entirely sure, but if you've been on the fence or thinking that motorcycles are better experienced without the helmet, or your preferred sport, then these are a set of photos you literally need to see. They very well could save your life because the shocking image of the impact a helmet takes on to protect you is a heavy weight to realize.
1. Face it.
The only thin you should "face" is your burger, not the concrete. Wear a helmet.
2. Reminder:
Visual, of course.
3. Grateful?
I'd say so. Better the helmet than your face.
4. Skateboarding, too.
Don't forgo the helmet while you hop on your board for sick moves, either. It could be a matter of life and death.
5. Bambi
Motorcyclist versus Deer. Helmet wins.
6. Dirty
Wear a helmet on your dirt bike, folks.
7. Options:
Concussion with a helmet, death without. You choose.
8. Here, have a nightmare.
Seriously, this is an eerie reminder.
9. This nifty design...
It looks way cooler on your helmet than your face.
10. Gratitude
Face to face with the reason you're a live? Sobering.
11. In pieces...
Better your helmet than your life, right?
12. Wiper Blades
Your helmet makes a better wiper blade than your face, but ideally stuff like this should never happen.
13. This.
This helmet was worn while skiing. So, you know, don't skip the helmet when you ski either.
14. Colorful Reminder
Better to have the colors disappear on your helmet than the concrete to run red.
15. Fact:
It's much cooler to look at a messed up helmet than a messed up person. Wear it.
16. Perspective
The inside of a helmet is way cooler than the inside of your brain after an accident.
17. Construction
Because helmets are important at work, too.
18. Face it.
Reality, the face-guard serves a purpose.
19. Rest in Peace, helmet.
"It gave its life to save yours."
20. Better than your brain!
Seriously, that would have been your head.
21. 50MPH
Bike versus wall... Not a great combo. Even less great without a helmet.
Photos like these tell a story that words simply can't. Like they say, a picture speaks a thousand words.
