Times When A Know-It-All Got It Absolutely Wrong
We've all known a know-it-all before and if you haven't then you are one.

If you've ever known a know-it-all, you know that they're not always right. If you've never met one, chances are that you are one. Actually, in most cases, some of them will argue to no end, but they are wrong anyway.
It's quite funny when you meet someone who thinks they know what they are talking about but doesn't have the facts straight or is just confused. If you've ever been in this situation yourself, we're sorry because it can be embarrassing.
With this said, we're looking at thirty times when know-it-alls just got it wrong and they didn't even know it. Some of these situations involve people giving a simple correction on someone's post, all the way to kids outsmarting adults in witty ways.
You're definitely not going to want to miss this because we have a ton of funny posts to look through, and people were really awesome about sharing awesome content that we can share with you all. So if you're interested in looking into all 30 of these examples, keep on reading as we give you a full look into them.
Clearly, not everyone has an age limit of 21, and there are countries that have a much lower limit for drinking.

Obviously, they just didn't get the joke, but they made the joke much funnier with their response though.

They just have no idea how excited we all were when we could pause things so we didn't miss it.

Well, some kids might just be a little smarter than adults sometimes, but she tried to teach a good lesson here.

I wouldn't have even known how to respond to this honestly.

What a convenient way to show this anyway: through a text message and an awfully fast positive test.

Hey at least these people were ready to defend him at all costs though even if it wasn't necessary.

The comments on these types of posts are always so funny. We love reading them, and we definitely think they're out of the box.

I mean yeah it is five... Elven utensils.

Now these people just have to be joking at this point because what are you talking about.

Uneducated people at their finest. We love to see people making fools of themselves.

Obvioulsy this person had no idea what they are talking about so they shouldn't have commented.

That's the first time I've ever heard that before but okay then believe what you want.

The group tags are always the funniest parts of these types of conversations.

People are actually really not educated about this at all and it's pretty interesting.

You're both wrong but those are some interesting perspectives.

It's inevitable - Men complain about everything.

This whole thread of conversation is just ridiculous.

Maybe people should just stop trying to correct other's grammar.

Seems like they both listen to mainstream but honestly I don't know what's worse.

I don't even get why they commented that in the first place.

It seems like we all lived the same childhood.

Guess you're getting blocked too.

Who even said that they were reading the Bible anyway. This is history.

Not sure if everyone has an accent but I guess technically they do.

Maybe to you, they aren't but to most people they definitely are.

Someone needs to tell them that this is wrong.

Nice try there, but not quite.

She must be confused or under the influence.

I don't get why people have to even comment stuff like this anyway.

These are just too funny and we've known of people who think they are know-it-alls but they prove themselves to be wrong. These people don't know it all and sometimes they are saying things to people when really they didn't need to say anything at all.
