50 Realistically Funny Tweets About Having Cats And Dogs

Yes, that is my dog and yes he looks like the star of Anchorman

  • Published in Animals
50 Realistically Funny Tweets About Having Cats And Dogs

It has been thousands of years since humans domesticated dogs and our beloved cats allowed us to be their companions. Yet here we are, thousands of years later, and we are no closer to understanding why the hell our pets behave the way that they do.

Scientifically, of course, there are some explanations but there are times that even scientists would scratch their heads. Like when your dog sleeps with both of its eyes open, snoring very soundly; or when your cat unspools a ball of yarn and meows at you like it's your doing.

We know we shouldn't humanize our cats and dogs but their personalities make that so difficult. The tiny little things they do delight us so much and we just have to share them with other pet lovers.

Who knows why they behave this way but we love them nonetheless. Their unexplainable but oddly hilarious behavior is why they have the entire internet on a chokehold.

Cats and dogs are so interesting that there's an entire community on the internet waiting with bated breath for what they will do next. Watching funny cat and dog videos is the best part of your workday whether you like to admit it or not.

Look no further because here are 50 of the funniest cats on dogs on Twitter this week. Scroll to your heart's content until it's almost time to clock out!

1. It's like looking in the mirror

1. It's like looking in the mirrormemesiwish

2. Well, well, well. How the turn tables.

2. Well, well, well. How the turn tables.eliterenno

3. He just wanted to share this special moment

3. He just wanted to share this special momentmemesiwish

4. This could have been an email, Barbara

4. This could have been an email, Barbaratwcuddleston

5. You should have warned me of the dangers of having kids, hooman

5. You should have warned me of the dangers of having kids, hoomantheproestdwarf

6. What love language is this?

6. What love language is this?kimothysteele

7. The only great thing to come out of the pandemic

7. The only great thing to come out of the pandemicEmmasmith77xx

8. There's no such thing as gravity for this fly kitty

8. There's no such thing as gravity for this fly kittywedoreally

9. You stay classy, San Diego

9. You stay classy, San Diegothomasthesquare

10. Those puppy dog eyes are in full effect

10. Those puppy dog eyes are in full effectsvershbow

11. They survived because they're half dinosaur, half plant, and 100% adorable

11. They survived because they're half dinosaur, half plant, and 100% adorableMilkjelly5

12. What in the passive-aggressive behavior is this?

12. What in the passive-aggressive behavior is this?grigg

13. Absolutely the best self-portrait in existence

13. Absolutely the best self-portrait in existenceSimoneGiertz

14. The loaf when you leave it too long in the oven

14. The loaf when you leave it too long in the ovenbirdloaves

15. This human that didn't pass the obvious test to be Alfred

15. This human that didn't pass the obvious test to be AlfredAuthorTOBurnett

16. Those are two celebrities: Harry Styles and Mr. Peanutbutter

16. Those are two celebrities: Harry Styles and Mr. Peanutbutterrorydcarroll

17. You're never too old or too much of a cat to stop learning

17. You're never too old or too much of a cat to stop learningsmartlittleguys

18. He looks like someone who would start a questionable podcast

18. He looks like someone who would start a questionable podcastranimolla

19. What is Christmas? Why is snow? Who is dog?

19. What is Christmas? Why is snow? Who is dog?laurenncarterr

20. The only correct way to use couch cushions

20. The only correct way to use couch cushionsAlainaLucius

21. At least 4 is correct because there are 5 of those magical kittens

21. At least 4 is correct because there are 5 of those magical kittensbigbootyderek

22. When your dog has a more active social life than you

22. When your dog has a more active social life than youbigzaddyjos

23. Lower back pain is no joke

23. Lower back pain is no jokeTriMyData

24. Where's the Amazon link you cowards!

24. Where's the Amazon link you cowards!hilary_l072

25. Be careful, you could be agreeing to some late-night cat burglar-ing

25. Be careful, you could be agreeing to some late-night cat burglar-ingTheAndrewNadeau

26. He'll be training the new recruits in no time

26. He'll be training the new recruits in no timecat_dot_exe

27. That's a wonderful collection! Although, the last one will gather dust quickly.

27. That's a wonderful collection! Although, the last one will gather dust quickly.Thereisnocat_

28. He's the senior paw-grammer

28. He's the senior paw-grammerStrawburry17

29. It's a new agricultural technique to yield more banana-cats

29. It's a new agricultural technique to yield more banana-catsyyentaa

30. This is the exact reason why voice to text was invented

30. This is the exact reason why voice to text was inventedjaboukie

31. Your dogs will always remind you how loved you are and you're a minute late for their dinner

31. Your dogs will always remind you how loved you are and you're a minute late for their dinnerclsdapp

32. It was a very important exchange

32. It was a very important exchangetheglennisshow

33. Most expensive art collection in that house

33. Most expensive art collection in that houseLittleLostLad

34. It's the hottest item in doggy fashion

34. It's the hottest item in doggy fashionBacklineNurse

35. Her name is Junebug, not Pennywise, you jerks

35. Her name is Junebug, not Pennywise, you jerksthegallowboob

36. That's how bad things are

36. That's how bad things arecottoncandaddy

37. Do not drive under the influnce, folks

37. Do not drive under the influnce, folkssummerstoli

38. He's not trying to guilt you or anything but claws are about to come out if you don't act fast

38. He's not trying to guilt you or anything but claws are about to come out if you don't act fastmemesiwish

39. Don't forget to thank him for his service

39. Don't forget to thank him for his servicemaisondecris

40. Do not say anything and demand your shark of a lawyer immediately

40. Do not say anything and demand your shark of a lawyer immediatelyemmethompsonn

41. MooOooom! Look Bunny took all my toys again!

41. MooOooom! Look Bunny took all my toys again!BacklineNurse

42. Does she look sorry because she ate all the cheese or because she got caught?

42. Does she look sorry because she ate all the cheese or because she got caught?veroconplatanos

43. Get in losers, we're going to the dog park

43. Get in losers, we're going to the dog park97Vercetti

44. She wanted to record your drunken mumblings

44. She wanted to record your drunken mumblings3O1TY

45. What word was he trying to spell?

45. What word was he trying to spell?mariana057

46. They were essential to the paper

46. They were essential to the paperDrSamiSchalk

47. How long did it take to fashion that stylish coat? The dog deserves treats for holding its pee that long.

47. How long did it take to fashion that stylish coat? The dog deserves treats for holding its pee that long.Ehlliss

48. Enough, you're too happy now

48. Enough, you're too happy nowmemesiwish

49. The new sequel to the Dr. Seuss book looks exciting

49. The new sequel to the Dr. Seuss book looks excitingimnotamna

50. This is more news-worthy

50. This is more news-worthyChrisStephensMD

You may have seen some of these tweets already but, admit it, they are still quite funny, aren't they? Cats and dogs are so undeniably charming that we can't help but keep up with their most recent shenanigans.

In this section, we would like to thank all cat and dog owners who have chosen to share the most recent ruckus their pets were up to. Dear cats and dogs: never stop being yourselves, we have already decided to devote our lives to you.
