10 Tweets About Animals That Are Pure Gold
The internet was invented so people could share pics of adorable animals:)

Animals are an endless source of fun, what would we do without them? The world would be such a boring place, that’s for sure.
And the internet, what would it be like? After all, it was invented so people could share adorable and interesting animal pics, no matter what they officially claim the reason was.
National defense? Yeah right.
Improving the world economy? Don’t think so.
The internet creators just needed a quick way to share adorable pet pics. Thankfully, the trend continued and even thrived with the appearance of social networks.
Now they are overrun by pics of cute animals, which is a good thing - they are much more interesting than people. We have selected ten of the best recently you may have missed, and they are the best proof of how great animals are.
Of course, you should keep in mind that there are plenty of benefits to having a pet. They are not just cute to watch but actually beneficial for our mental and physical well-being.
They keep you fit, make sure you’re never lonely, lower your stress levels, they can improve your immune system. They can stop your children from developing allergies… The list is so long.
1. Wonderful Halloween costume

2. A lion cub is learning to roar. In a couple of months, he will be the king of the jungle.
3. The cutest Halloween costumes

4. Here i am!
"I have a list of 10 health benefits studies have shown pet owners have," said psychologist Harold Herzog, a pet-loving professor at Western Carolina University who has spent years studying human-animal connection.
"Higher survival rates, fewer heart attacks, less loneliness, better blood pressure, better psychological well-being, lower rates of depression and stress levels, fewer doctor visits, increased self-esteem, better sleep, and more physical activity are just some of the recorded benefits of pet ownership," he added.
5. Most of us do...

6. Hi, Dior. Very nice to meet you!

However, these benefits imply only if pets and owners match. If you have an active dog and you are not an active person, this won’t be a good match.
Dogs generally need more owner’s attention and quality time, so if you are not willing to devote time to your pet, a cat’s aloofness might work better for you.
Buying on impulse is one of the worst things you could do. Getting a pet without considering all the obligations and expenses that go with pet ownership is highly irresponsible and almost always ends the same way- with poor animals taken to a pet shelter or abandoned.
This brings us to our next recommendation- you should consider adopting a pet instead of shopping. It’s your chance to save an animal and be someone’s hero.
7. Big smile!

8. What is this? Not funny at all...

9. It is one of the funniest things we have seen today. You are absolutely right.

10. Oh, the look of shame on that face....
Well, what do you say? Which one is your favorite?
You can’t decide, can you? We can’t blame you; it’s completely justified – we couldn’t decide either.
One thing we can all agree on is that our pets are wonderful and add spice to our lives. That’s why we love them so much.
