These Insane Explanations Behind The Meanings of Prison Tattoos Are Pretty Scary

The easiest way to send a message in prison? Ink.

  • Published in Weird
These Insane Explanations Behind The Meanings of Prison Tattoos Are Pretty Scary

In general these days tattoos are not marks of the scourge of society anymore. There's a solid chance you, the very individual reading this, has a tattoo yourself. Pretty much everyone does these days.

Of course don't let that normalization completely settle your mind to ease because for the prison community there's a whole bunch of tattoos that are so much more than decorative ink. They're a startling message about who exactly one is messing with. Many tattoos convey secret meanings unknown to the average person that divulge horrifying secrets like whether or not they've killed someone or if they're still seeking their determined vengeance!

1. Purpose

While frequently those with tattoos have ink all over, prison tattoos with a meaning often stand out for a reason: it's important that the message gets across.1. PurposeBarney Frank

2. Stomach Eyes

This one might seem a bit unusual but we'll explain. Tattooed eyes on the lower stomach signifies that the owner is a homosexual. How, you ask? Well because... when they're, uh, pants-less... it... looks like a face.2. Stomach EyesThe Guardian

3. Iconic

Okay to be fair, few haven't heard about the meaning of a teardrop tattoo. It symbolizes that the owner has killed someone. This is, however, a pretty important one since you certainly would want to know if the person you're standing next to has committed murder or not.3. IconicTumblr

4. Shamrock

No, it's not about Irish heritage. The otherwise adorable shamrock has been adopted by white supremacists so a prisoner proudly wearing one belongs to one of their gangs.4. ShamrockImgur

5. Outlined Tear-Drop

The unfinished teardrop is not as famous as it's more known counterpart (the teardrop.) An unfinished tear drop means that the owner is still on a mission for murder. When the day comes they're successful, it will be filled in.5. Outlined Tear-DropHuff Post

6. Spider Webs

Spider webs may be popular far and wide but for former prisoners it signifies that one has served time. The larger the spider web, the longer the person has previously served time.6. Spider Webstattoodo

7. "ACAB"

It means: All Cops Are Bastards. It goes back to the British Penal System and if you're boasting this ink while under arrest we doubt you'll be treated any kinder.7. Riders Digest

8. Watch with NO hands

The owner of this significant tattoo is serving a very, very long sentence and for them: time stands still.8. Watch with NO handsMiami Ink Design

9. Five Dots

A collection of five dots signifies that one has served prison time.9. Five DotsInteresting Crimes

10. Barbed Wire

Like spider web tattoos, plenty of these out in the public carry virtually no meaning and just sort of look cool but for a prisoner? Each barb represents a year served.10. Barbed WireRadikal

11. Dagger... Through the Neck

Traditionally a Russian symbol on a prisoner's body, it sends a strong message that the wearer is both not afraid to take a life and... available for hire. These are definitely for scary dudes.11. Dagger... Through the NeckDaily Mail

12. "EWMN"

Evil, Wicked, Mean, Nasty.12. Police

13. 3 Dots... Near the Eye

Three dots in this location signifies “Mi Vida Loca," and is usually worn in the Latin-American gang community to signify a gang affiliation.13. 3 Dots... Near the EyeBuzzle

14. Rose With Thorns

Most popular in Asian and Russian communities, a rose with thorns symbolizes that the owner has spent their 18th anniversary in prison. How commemorative.14. Rose With ThornsBlogSpot

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