Wrap All Of Your Holiday Presents In These Hilarious Fake Gift Boxes And Watch Your Friends And Family React

Gift giving will never be the same.

  • Published in Funny
Wrap All Of Your Holiday Presents In These Hilarious Fake Gift Boxes And Watch Your Friends And Family React

Minneapolis based prank company, Prank-O is going to give you and your loved ones memories to last a lifetime. "How," you ask? It's brilliantly simple, they have created a funny line of fake gift boxes known as 'Prank Packs.' Your friends and family will unwrap their gifts to see boxes labled with hilarious items such as: the "Donald J. Trump Tweet Printer," and "Pet Talk Animal Translator Collar." The looks on their faces will be priceless, but inside the boxes are the normal gifts you've planned for them.

Prank-O says:

Gift givers put real presents inside prank boxes with hilarious, absolutely absurd fake products printed on the outside. Gift receivers think they're getting the worst gift ever, until they open up and see a real product inside.

It's going to be a wild holiday season!

Pocket Wok

I wish this wasn't fake.

Pocket WokPrank-O

notes by dr. day

The lesser known cousin of Dr. Dre.

notes by dr. dayPrank-O

Cheese Printer

A million uses.

Cheese PrinterPrank-O

Impossible Jigsaw Puzzle

This is cruel and unusual punishment.

Impossible Jigsaw PuzzlePrank-O

Super Scope

My favorite selling point is the HVAC vents.

Super ScopePrank-O


I see multiple uses for a gift like this.



Toilet paper is a totally outdated concept, anyway. The future is now! The future is: Roto-Wipe.


Motorized Rolling Pin

The hardest part of baking is rolling out dough, why not use an autopilot device?

Motorized Rolling PinPrank-O

Coffee Talkies


Coffee TalkiesPrank-O


I think this one has actually been invented...



The world is your urinal? Sounds good to me.



Bluetooth speakers you don't have to think about while you're on the go.


Birdie Belt

For the golfer.

Birdie BeltPrank-O

Tech Neck

It's like a cone of shame for humans.

Tech NeckPrank-O

Bathe and Brew

Um... I need this.

Bathe and BrewPrank-O

Fart Filter

This is another thing that should probably actually exist. Please?

Fart FilterPrank-O

Pet Petter

"Never touch your pets again!"

How depressing.

Pet PetterPrank-O

Pet Sweep

Someone patent this!

Pet SweepPrank-O

Bacon-Scented Dryer Sheets

I'm 90% sure over half of the entire United States would buy these in a heartbeat.

Bacon-Scented Dryer SheetsPrank-O

Pet VR

Why should humans have all the fun?

Pet VRPrank-O


This would be less helpful than the neck one.



Who wants a bunch of different sized extension chords when you could just buy this kit? Bonus points for the bathtub suggestion.


Auto Sauna

A day at the spa is just unattainable for those who are constantly on-the-go, this is the perfect way to pamper them.

Auto SaunaPrank-O


All this needs is a cup attachment to pee in.


My First Fire

For mommy's little pyromaniac!

My First FirePrank-O


Take out the middle man.



We all know at least one person who would love this and be disappointed with the real gift inside.


Plant Urinal

Miracle Feed.

Plant UrinalPrank-O

Donald J. Trump Tweet Printer

The crusty, old Republicans in your family might leap for joy at this gift box.

Donald J. Trump Tweet PrinterPrank-O

Pet Talk

I have always wondered what my pets were saying to me...

Pet TalkPrank-O

Noggin' Net

This is great for the fisher in your family.

Noggin' NetPrank-O

Extra Pocket

What every modern human needs.

Extra PocketPrank-O

Snack Hat

For the parent who doesn't have time to stop for snacks.

Snack HatPrank-O

Froogle Glass

There's so many things about this that are hilarious. Just soak it all in.

Froogle GlassPrank-O

Toddler Tamers

On the other hand, this could make your toddlers disturbingly buff.

Toddler TamersPrank-O

Family Blankeez

The family that snuggles together, stays together.

Family BlankeezPrank-O

Extreme Chores

Have you seen some of the simulator games out there today? This isn't terribly far-fetched.

Extreme ChoresPrank-O

Nap Sack

A nap anywhere? Sign me up.

Nap SackPrank-O

Wake & Bake Dream Griddle

Just prep before bed and have fresh breakfast every single morning!

Wake & Bake Dream GriddlePrank-O

Crib Dribbler

Because waking up at night to tend to your infant is a burden.

Crib DribblerPrank-O

Pet Butler: Serving Vest for Animals

Enslave your pets and put them to work! Woo!

Pet Butler: Serving Vest for AnimalsPrank-O

Hot Lips

Hey, this was my nickname in college.

Hot LipsPrank-O

Earwax Candle Kit

This is fascinating and disgusting.

Earwax Candle KitPrank-O