This Finnish Artist Creates Pokémon And Disney Characters Mashups You Never Thought You Needed Until Now

Merida and Rapidash are just the perfect pair!

This Finnish Artist Creates Pokémon And Disney Characters Mashups You Never Thought You Needed Until Now

Back in childhood, kids were obsessed with either two of these things (or both): anime and Disney shows. Many of us grew up with the influence of Disney, and up until now, as adults, we still find ourselves singing along to their newer projects such as Moana and Encanto.

Similarly, there were also a lot of kids whose interests leaned more on Naruto, Death Note, Soul Eater, and of course, the ever-amazing world of Pokémon. A lot of us grew up obsessed with watching the show, seeing generations after generations of Pokémon evolve over time—as well as playing the video game series that came with our Nintendo game consoles.

Both Disney and Pokémon have played huge roles in our childhood, and some of us have even found ourselves consuming both of them as we grew up over the years. Even as adults, we still can't forget how they have made our growing-up phase a lot more fun and memorable!

Now, many people, especially artists, have been incorporating either Disney characters or Pokémon into their works. But this particular Finnish artist who goes by the username @articuno just proved that it's better to combine the two, as he creates stunning artworks of Disney characters together with Pokémon that matches them.

Naturally, the artworks became such a hit on the Internet. Artacuno, or Er氷a, has gathered almost 66K followers on Instagram for their work already, consistently gaining a lot of fans as they made a collection of Pokémon and Disney crossovers.

There have been over 900 Pokémon that have been introduced into our world ever since the birth of the franchise in 1996, so it's really a no-brainer for Artacuno to figure out which of those matched certain Disney characters the most. Pokémon range from ice, fire, water, grass, flying, electric, and ghost types among many others, so it was definitely amusing to see some of them getting paired up with characters who have such a similar vibe or appearance as them.

And yep, he did draw Elsa with a bunch of ice Pokémon—if that's what you were wondering. Just take a look at his best works below!

1. Captain Jack Sparrow and Snorlax

1. Captain Jack Sparrow and Snorlaxartacuno

2. Elsa and Ice Pokemon

2. Elsa and Ice Pokemonartacuno

3. Anna and Grass Pokemon

3. Anna and Grass Pokemonartacuno

4. Simba and Litleo

4. Simba and Litleoartacuno

5. Merida and Rapidash

5. Merida and Rapidashartacuno

6. Jane and Cimchar

6. Jane and Cimcharartacuno

7. Eve and Petilil

7. Eve and Petililartacuno

8. Piglet and Phanpy

8. Piglet and Phanpyartacuno

9. Bambi and Deerling

9. Bambi and Deerlingartacuno

10. Morph and Ditto

10. Morph and Dittoartacuno

11. Baymax and Magnemites

11. Baymax and Magnemitesartacuno

12. Winnie The Pooh and Pikachu

12. Winnie The Pooh and Pikachuartacuno

13. Stitch and Kyogre

13. Stitch and Kyogreartacuno

14. Brother Bear and Teddiursa

14. Brother Bear and Teddiursaartacuno

15. Cheshire Cat and Tangela

15. Cheshire Cat and Tangelaartacuno

16. Stitch and Bulbasaur

16. Stitch and Bulbasaurartacuno

17. Mulan and Red Gyarados

17. Mulan and Red Gyaradosartacuno

18. Wall-E and Litwick

18. Wall-E and Litwickartacuno

19. Jasmine and Raikou

19. Jasmine and Raikouartacuno

20. Sadness and Mew

20. Sadness and Mewartacuno

Artacuno also has an Etsy shop if you want to buy some of the prints or stickers they put out. They describe themself as "comic creator, fanart maker, acrylic painter, manga collector, gymnastics instructor" on their Instagram bio, and a "pokemonistic, crossoveristic and nostalgic artist" on their Etsy shop.

Well, we have definitely become nostalgic after seeing all these! Comment down your thoughts, or share this article for all your family and friends to see!
