This Guy Photoshops Giant Cats And Creates Some Incredible Cat-zilla Scenes

If you asked a CATzilla, they'd probably still consider themselves a GODzilla

  • Published in Animals
This Guy Photoshops Giant Cats And Creates Some Incredible Cat-zilla Scenes

Photoshop is a marvellous thing (when not used to alter human bodies, that is). The ability to manipulate and edit images to satisfy our every whim is super cool and one of the best aspects of technology. Artist Fransdita Muafidin had a genius idea: increasing the size of cats and superimposing them over famous landmarks.

Cats have been the subject of many art projects over the years and the internet has only increased their celebrity. A picture of a famous street? Yeah, cool, there’s a million posted a day on Instagram. But a picture of a famous street with a giant cat acting like Godzilla? Truly the best account you can follow (@fransditaa)!


2. About to have a snack

3. Oh, just hanging out

4. Hi-five?

5. It's tiring being SO BIG

6. Catzilla wants to play!

7. This cat miscalculated a little

8. Even giant cats like to play peekaboo

9. Looking for their next victim

10. Having a catnap

11. Catzilla VS helicopter

12. Just waitin' for a mate

13. Big cats also like to get in the way


15. Ever yawned so hard you swallowed a building?
