50 Examples Of Petty Revenge That Will Make You Think Twice Before Being Bad To Other People
These small acts of revenge are just hilarious.

Not all stupid or inconsiderate actions deserve some severe punishment, as much as we are annoyed with them. Honestly, most of them could be and should be forgotten.
But people are not made like that. We enjoy small acts of revenge and getting even in our minds. And the internet and the social networks gave us the ability to share those acts of revenge.
And that tips the scale. Not only did we get even with our wrongdoers, but we are up by one. Great!
But be careful, if you are planning revenge, ask yourself if that will make you happier. Karyn Hall, Ph.D., the director and owner of the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Center, says that it is one of those urges that we feel quite often but rarely discuss.
#1 Go, grandma!

#2 A devious plan.

"The struggle with revenge is centuries old," she said for Psychology Today. "Shakespeare said, 'If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?' Shakespeare clearly thought revenge was as normal and predictable as the sun rising."
#3 Discreet. Really discreet.

"But what about the idea that revenge is self-destructive? Confucius said, 'Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.' Gandhi seemed to agree with him when he said, 'An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.'"
#4 Locked My Cat In The Bathroom While I Made A Meal Because He Was Being Annoying. Revenge Was Had

So how should we deal with the overwhelming impulse of seeking vengeance? Try to fight it, and eventually, it will become weaker, and gone.
Hall pointed out that the reason revenge boosts anger rather than reducing it is because of reflections. "When people don't get revenge, they tend to trivialize the event by telling themselves that because they didn't act on their vengeful feelings, it wasn't a big deal. Then it's easier to forget it and move on. But when people do get revenge, they can no longer trivialize the situation. Instead, they go over and over it and feel worse."
So how should we deal with overwhelming impulse of seeking vengeance? Try to fight it, and eventually it will become weaker, and gone.
Hall pointed out that the reason revenge boosts anger rather than reducing it is because of reflections. "When people don't get revenge, they tend to trivialize the event by telling themselves that because they didn't act on their vengeful feelings, it wasn't a big deal. Then it's easier to forget it and move on. But when people do get revenge, they can no longer trivialize the situation. Instead, they go over and over it and feel worse."
#5 That will hurt.

#6 Lad At Work Just Eats Everyone’s Treats. Tomorrow Will Be A Surprise For Him

#7 Half On Disabled Parking And A Half On The Passway To A Mall. Someone Got Really Pissed And Emptied A Jar Of Jam On It

#8 The revenge of the shop clerks.

#9 You Park In 2 Spots, I Zip Tie A Cart To Your Car

#10 She has time

#11 I Skied Back To The Pole Again... To Take This Photo For All Those Men Who Commented “Make Me A Sandwich” On My Tedx Talk

#12 And let that be a lesson to you.

#13 My Neighbor Got His Reindeer Decorations Stolen So They Put Out Grinch Ones Instead

#14 Well deserved

#15 Evil

#16 Highest Level Of Petty

#17 Go Joe

#18 My Coworker Is A Flat Earther And It's His Last Day

#19 Making Fish Tacos For The Guy At Work Who Keeps Eating My Lunch

#20 The Best Revenge

#21 When Your Drawing Teacher Assigns 3 Finals So You Secretly Write "You Got Me F****d Up" In Sign Language On Your Final Piece

#22 Sonic

#23 My Daughter Said She Was Too Old For Notes In Her Lunch - My Reply And Win

#24 Stay Away

#25 I've Carried Chalk In My Car For 10 Months Just So I Could Do This Once. Yesterday Was The Day

#26 No more playing around this semester

#27 Slashed Someone’s Tires Today Because He Parked Like A Jackass.. Was It Justified? I Think So

#28 My Neighbours Like To Throw Their Cigarette Butts Over The Wall And Onto The Sidewalk. I'm Tired Of Seeing Dogs Eat Them And Kids Play With Them, So I Picked Them Up For Them

#29 Sweet Revenge

#30 Good thinking.

#31 Pothole Birthday

#32 I’ve Asked My Neighbor To Please, Please Not Let His Dogs Bark All Night. Today I Received Several Packages In The Mail. Early Tomorrow Morning I’ll Have My Revenge

#33 Jason Is ... special.

#34 The Punishment For Petty Theft In My Town Is Making Laps Around The Courthouse With A Sandwich Board Sign That States: "I Am A Thief"

#35 As Revenge For My Brother Wrapping My Christmas Present In Duct Tape Last Year, This Year I've Wrapped My Brother's Present In Concrete! Revenge Best Served Stone-Cold

#36 Wouldn’t Help With The Housework; Weeks Of Begging For Help (Because He Lives Here Too) And Picking Up After Him, I Had Put His Game In With My Snake Since I Knew He Was Afraid Of Her

#37 Joined A Gym, And Was Teased By My Fit Friends Who Workout There. Got My Revenge

#38 The Funniest Thing I’ve Seen In A Long Time, My View From Work

#39 My Neighbour Went On Vacation For A Week And I Decorated His House With Some Inspiring Lyrics From His Least Favourite Band

#40 Call it artistic freedom.

#41 Someone Stole The Pumpkins Off Of My Porch Last Night. Round Two Punks

#42 This Guy Had Printed Checks Of Him And His New Wife So He Could Write Alimony Checks To His Ex

#43 My Boyfriend Asked Me What I Wanted To Eat & I Said I Don't Know & This What He Brings Me

#44 I Mixed Carolina Reaper Powder Into Half A Tub Of Ice Cream As Revenge For Food Thief At My Community Freezer

#45 My Roommate Fed A Few Of Us Dog Food Saying It Was Jerky. He Went Away This Weekend. 1km Of Clinging Revenge

#46 When Your Ex Writes You An Apology Letter So You Grade It To Send It Back

#47 Every Time I Get A Spam Fax At Work I Put The Spammer's Number On A Free Monkey Flyer And Post It Somewhere Around Town

#48 Sneaky.

#49 Pettiness Level 100,000,00. My Husband Was Angry This Morning So He Decided He Was Only Making His Half Of The Bed

#50 Our Neighbors Very Precisely Cleaned Only Their Part Of The Wall

What do you think about these petty acts of revenge? Share your thoughts in the comments section.
