40 Heartwarming Photos Of Pets Refusing To Part With Their Favorite Toys

Humans outgrow childhood toys but our pets never do

  • Published in Animals
40 Heartwarming Photos Of Pets Refusing To Part With Their Favorite Toys

We are not the only ones who love toys; our pets have their favorite toys too. Humans outgrow childhood toys and get new and more sophisticated ones, phones, tablets, drones… but it's still hard for us to throw away our favorite childhood toys.

They are usually stuffed in a box somewhere in the attic or the garage, but it doesn't matter. We know they are there if we need them.

Our pets are not much different. They adore their favorite toys, but they don't outgrow them. They carry them around constantly, cuddle with them when they sleep, use them for comfort…

And most of the time, those toys become unrecognizable from frequent use. We wash them, stitch them back, replace the filling. If you think about it, they should be thrown away. But how can you look your pet in the eyes again?

1. "Bonnie Put Her Favourite Toy On My Packed Suitcase... Oh Man, The Feels"

1. jayblesz

2. "My Son Has Noticed How Old Our Dog Is Getting, So He Tries To Comfort Her With His Stuffed Toy Sloth. She Loves It."

2. ammofortherank

3. "A Year Later And 12 Pounds Heavier, It’s Still Dobby’s Favorite Toy."

3. PaleBlueDot_23

4. "My Girl Molly With Her Favorite Toy"

4. A_dozen_eggs

5. "The Teddy Used To Be His Sister’s Before She Died. Now Eddie Carries It Around With Him And It’s The Only Toy He’s Never Destroyed"

5. milkshake841

6. "His Favorite Toy Is The One That Looks Just Like Him"

6. king_bumi_the_cat

7. "My Cat Ripped Open His Favorite Toy. This Is My Grandma Sewing It Back Together"

7. andthenhestabbedme

8. "My Pup Waiting For My Husband To Get Home! She Likes To Bring Him A Toy"

8. forest_mirage

9. "4 Years Later, She Has Ripped Up Hundreds Of Toys, But She Refuses To Hurt Her Dino"

9. a7xxx

10. "Twenty Year Old Mister With His Favourite Ghost Toy"

10. grandparadise

11. Corgi With His Toy

11. Corgi With His Toyninlooq

12. "My Cat Carries His Toy With Him All Over The House. I Just Went Out In The Kitchen And Saw This. Apparently He Thought It Was Hungry Too."

12. neonlexicon

13. Hedgehog

13. HedgehogBreakingCampeon

14. "This Is Rizzo. She Likes To File Her Toys Now. I Have No Idea Why"

14. TzucciMane

15. "After 7 Years Of Buying Her Stuffed Toys That She Completely Destroys Within A Couple Days, I Finally Found Her One That She Absolutely Loves. She's Had Her Dragon For Few Months Now And Cuddles It Every Chance She Gets"

15. durpabiscuit

16. "My Friend’s Horse Showing Off His New Plushy. He Is Very Proud Of It."

16. lfdaily5

These photos clearly show that toys are not a luxury but a necessity. Pets need toys. They are important to them because they help fight boredom when they are alone or reassure them when they're feeling anxious.

As a matter of fact, they can even help prevent pets from developing certain problematic behaviors. Cats can sometimes be pretty choosy about toys, while dogs will play with pretty much everything they can get their paws on.

But that means dog owners need to be very careful when watching their four-legged friend's playtime to stop any "impulsive" activities. The Humane Society of the United States says that the things that are typically most alluring to dogs are frequently the very things that are the most hazardous.

Fortunately, you can dog-proof your house by removing rubber bands, ribbon, string, children's toys, pantyhose, and other inedible objects that a dog could swallow.

As for the cat toys, inspect all toys regularly for any loose wires, pieces, or clamps.

Ingrid King, an ex- veterinary clinic manager, says that many toys use security pin-type accessories, and it wouldn't be difficult for a cat to chew strongly enough to open that pin.

"Keep fishing pole toys out of your cat's reach when they're not in use. Cats can become entangled in the string, or even eat and swallow it, which can cause an intestinal blockage," King said.

"Don't let cats play unsupervised with electronic toys that have moving parts. Depending on the toy, paws and whiskers may get caught in the mechanism, and your cat may be injured, or at the very least, traumatized."

17. "Elliot's Owner Shares What He Looked Like At 4 Weeks vs. Full Grown, With His Favorite Toy"

17. mac_is_crack

18. "Our 6yo Rescue Dog Didn't Know What Toys Were. He's Slowly Learning, And His Favorites Are The Plushies. Here Is Frank With Slothy."

18. JudaciousGreen

19. "Holidays? Alpaca My Favorite Toy!"

19. maxmorgan

20. All grown up

20. All grown upcommonvanilla

21. "Whenever Someone Comes Over He Shows Them His Favorite Toy."

21. thegreatambini

22. "My Mum Washed All The Dog's Toys. And Now He Won't Come In The House Without Them"

22. Azura_BlackHeart

23. "Murphy Destroys Every Single Toy He Gets Within A Few Hours, Yet This One Is Different. He Only Cuddles It And Won't Let Anyone Touch It"

23. illbeyourchaser

24. "My Sister In Laws Dog With His Toy Cigar"

24. ProAztec

25. Watching a movie

25. Watching a moviecozymouse

26. "All These Years Later And It's Still Her Favourite Toy"

26. BeefJyrkii

27. "Almost Every Morning My Puppy Likes To Grab A Toy And Take It To Go Potty. It's The Cutest Thing Ever"

27. rileighvaldez

28. "Today Was The First Day He’s Ever Picked Out His Toy At The Pet Store. He Carried It To The Car, Into The House, And Right Into His Crate At Bedtime. My Heart"

28. daisyyellow21

29. Raccoon and his toy

29. Raccoon and his toyGallowBoob

30. "My Dog's Favorite Toy. Watching The Faces Of People Who Are Walking Past When My Dog Is Staring Out The Window With Them In His Mouth Is Brilliant"

30. Hanfaz94

31. "For 13 Years, He Has Tried To Catch A Squirrel To No Avail. I Just Bought Him A Plush One And The Poor Deprived Dog Has Been Carrying It Around With Him Everywhere All Day And Snuggling With It. Sorry It Took Me So Long Buddy"

31. visceralharmony

32. "This Is The Only Toy He Doesn't Rip To Shreds"

32. jem_

33. "Charlie’s Favorite Toy Is One That Looks Just Like Him"

33. Sn0wb0und

34. "He Came In To The Thrift Store With His Toy And Then His Owner Asked Him Do A Trick For My Photo! Made My Day"

34. Moose930

35. "Her Favorite Toy Is A Stuffed Dog That Looks Just Like Her. Every Time I Visit She Grabs This Toy And Runs Over To Show Me"

35. EdiblePsycho

36. "Old Girl (15.5 Years Old) Cuddling Her Toy."

36. Jennyvarela

37. Don’t hurt them…

37. Don’t hurt them…livieluv

38. "Pickles Has Found A New Toy To Guard. Let’s Hope Nobody Tries To Take It From Him"

38. dangerkitten00

39. "My Cat With His Catnip Toy Bottle Of "Furrball Whiskey" That He Got For His Birthday. I Think He Likes It"

39. Oddling_82

40. "How I Found Him Moments After I Changed The Batteries In His Snuggle Buddy, A Toy With A Little Heartbeat He's Had Since He Was 3 Months Old"

40. wampus514