30 Most Funny, Relatable Parenting Tweets During Quarantine

Parents are tweeting about parent-life during quarantine and it's all very, very funny and familiar.

  • Published in Funny
30 Most Funny, Relatable Parenting Tweets During Quarantine

If you're single with no kids in quarantine, you're either cripplingly lonely or you're living the absolute dream of working from home in your sweats (without distractions) and watching whatever the hell you want on Netflix.

You're also eating what you want, when you want, working out when you want - if you want, and essentially living a fabulous life without having to entertain OR TEACH tiny human beings that you made. If you're a parent, you know the struggle. Spending time with your kids is great, but when you can't really go anywhere or take them outside to the park to run off all that extra energy it can be really hard... and don't even get me started on home-schooling! Yikes!!!

Below are 30 of the most relatable parenting tweets for the month of April - read on if you want to laugh... a lot!

Lies... all lies.

Lies... all lies.Lhlodder

Never ever... ever!

Never ever... ever!BigRadMachine

I'm on a call...

I'm on a call...bckieffer

Mind your dang business.

Mind your dang business.MarriageMartini

Studied hard, I bet!

Studied hard, I bet!RodLacroix

We tried...

We tried...Parkerlawyer

Got it in one!

Got it in one!XplodingUnicorn

This is so REAL!

This is so REAL!pro_worrier_

Time is flying by!

Time is flying by!simoncholland

Sign me up for classes

Sign me up for classesdaddydoubts


MMMMMM Yum!thestinkerbell_

.... Yes. All of them.

.... Yes. All of them.KerryHowley

Sounds familiar, right?

Sounds familiar, right?simoncholland

Annnnnd i'm back!

Annnnnd i'm back!sarabellab123

Would love to vacay in syrup.

Would love to vacay in syrup.TheCatWhisprer



I'm fine with it. Ask away!

I'm fine with it. Ask away!mom_tho



I'd love to see mine do this with me.... I'm 29

I'd love to see mine do this with me.... I'm 29samlymatters

Just for a moment

Just for a momentmom_tho

Chess, not checkers.

Chess, not checkers.HexyDre

Ruined it.

Ruined it.TheCatWhisprer

Accuracy on another level

Accuracy on another levelthreetimedaddy

Yeah we can.

Yeah we can.mom_tho


FOR NOW!!!TheCatWhisprer

Send her to my house next.

Send her to my house next.Chhapiness

Ahhh pass.

Ahhh pass.XplodingUnicorn

He's taking it all in his stride.

He's taking it all in his stride.BunAndLeggings

Both reasons. Both.

Both reasons. Both.XplodingUnicorn

It is what it is...

It is what it is...notthenanny