30 Most Funny, Relatable Parenting Tweets During Quarantine
Parents are tweeting about parent-life during quarantine and it's all very, very funny and familiar.
- Published in Funny
If you're single with no kids in quarantine, you're either cripplingly lonely or you're living the absolute dream of working from home in your sweats (without distractions) and watching whatever the hell you want on Netflix.
You're also eating what you want, when you want, working out when you want - if you want, and essentially living a fabulous life without having to entertain OR TEACH tiny human beings that you made. If you're a parent, you know the struggle. Spending time with your kids is great, but when you can't really go anywhere or take them outside to the park to run off all that extra energy it can be really hard... and don't even get me started on home-schooling! Yikes!!!
Below are 30 of the most relatable parenting tweets for the month of April - read on if you want to laugh... a lot!