This Cute Kitty Has The Most Polite Smile You've Ever Seen
Meet Ollie, he's the best!

Back in June of this year, a cute little guy named Ollie appeared on 9GAG, a humor website.
He's included in fake text message screenshot. In the screenshot of the text, a landlord is seen telling his renter that he cannot have any animals in his apartment as per his lease. The renter replies with a picture of Ollie and his polite smile, and the landlord falls in love and makes an exception for this renter because Ollie is just so damn cute.
Because the Internet loves good meme material, Ollie's picture was taken from one funny fake text message to many-a-meme overnight. Enjoy below.
Meet cute, polite Ollie

The original 9GAG post


Someone really got serious, and painted Ollie

Didn't even notice the difference

What's happening here?

Here's a cute video of his politeness!
