12 Entitled People With No Sense Of Shame And They Think They Are Owed The World With Their Outrageous Demands
Entitled jerks think that people always owe them something.
- Published in Interesting
Some people always seem to get what they want. Others, for some reason, manage to get things to go their way.
If this often happens, chances are they are an entitled person. Now, don't get us wrong, there's nothing wrong with having high standards or expecting things to go well.
But when people start to feel like they're always entitled to the best of everything, that's when things start to get a little bit crazy. And the reality is that entitled people can never be happy.
No matter what you do, it's never enough for them. They are always finding something to complain about or nitpick.
They always play the victim too. Life isn't always fair and things don't always go our way, but entitled people never seem to realize this.
In their mind, they're always the victim — even when it's clear that they're not. They also think they're better than everyone else.
There's nothing wrong with having confidence. But when someone is so confident that they think they're better than everyone else, that's a problem.
Entitled people are also always looking for a handout. They feel like they deserve things even when they haven't put in any work.
They want things to be given to them on a silver platter without having to lift a finger. And when they don't get what they want, they often throw temper tantrums.
Entitled people are also very judgmental. They're quick to judge others and point out their flaws. But they never seem to take a good look at themselves.
Today, we've curated posts about entitled people, and we truly hope that you don't end up being like them!
We need more understanding people in this world.
1. A thick-skinned influencer who thinks they can get things for free
mishelly19862. If you don't have the money for it, don't buy it!
1DeltaBluNow, he's making an offer with the seller
1DeltaBluThe stuff this person needs to sell for a bike.
1DeltaBlu3. Mom wants specific items as gifts during Christmas and her daughter's birthday
midnightsun084. Producers aren't free bruh.
kyle_vs_coffee5. A simple reminder that "beggars can't be choosers."
LookALesbian6. This guy's insane for wanting a show at 10.50 Euros.
assasin1257. How to play yes or no with an entitled person
ohmygowdy8. She wants people to contribute money for her dryer.
Bunnysteww9. It's free. Why complain?
Merci_cedric10. A Karen wants extra lemons for free
dellessa11. A scary hiker
Judi_Joofer_12. This Karen ordered some gravy
danel-i-amShe public shamed the restaurant online and it backfired.
danel-i-amThe restaurant's clap back at the Karen. Serves her right!
People make mistakes. This is something that customers need to accept.
She was already offered a refund. What more does she want?
danel-i-amFor the customers who are rude or demanding, businesses have started fighting back with a clever new strategy — sarcasm.
By using sarcasm in their responses to entitled customers, businesses can take the wind out of their sails and hopefully get them to leave them alone. It’s a risky move, but sometimes it’s the only thing that will work.