Woman Doesn't Want To Let Her Mother Get A Puppy While She Is In Her's House

When you're living in someone else's home there are usually a few different rules that you probably have to follow.

Woman Doesn't Want To Let Her Mother Get A Puppy While She Is In Her's House

We're back again with another Reddit post from the AITA thread that was posted by a daughter looking for some advice. These AITA threads are always pretty interesting to cover because they are usually full of fun stories and great advice in the comments.

Typically people post on this thread to find out if they are wrong or right in the way that they acted or reacted to a situation. Then people usually will tell them if they are actually in the wrong or if they're not wrong and someone else was in the wrong.

In this situation, we are covering a situation where a woman posted on Reddit to see if she was in the wrong for telling her mother not to get a dog. Now, this situation wouldn't be too crazy if the mom didn't have an anterior motive for why she was getting the dog in the first place.

After reading this post you'll probably understand why her mom wants a dog and also why she doesn't want to let her mom get a dog. So if this sounds like something that you're interested in then keep on reading as we get into the details.

We're going to dive into the original post and the comments on the post as well.

OP starts off by explaining that her and her mom have been living together for a couple of years due to the pandemic and some sickness in her family.

OP starts off by explaining that her and her mom have been living together for a couple of years due to the pandemic and some sickness in her family.u/TheBatFamily13

Then she goes into details on how she's very pregnant and she's looking to have her mom move out before the baby is there so she can have that extra space she needs.

Then she goes into details on how she's very pregnant and she's looking to have her mom move out before the baby is there so she can have that extra space she needs.u/TheBatFamily13

She says that her mom came to her saying that she wanted a dog and this is where OP started telling her that they are not going to have a dog in that house.

She says that her mom came to her saying that she wanted a dog and this is where OP started telling her that they are not going to have a dog in that house.u/TheBatFamily13

She added an edit to give a little more perspective by saying that the puppy is quite a hefty price.

She added an edit to give a little more perspective by saying that the puppy is quite a hefty price.u/TheBatFamily13

People immediately came to the comments and told her that her mom is pretty much insane for this and that OP is NTA.

People immediately came to the comments and told her that her mom is pretty much insane for this and that OP is NTA.BDSM_Queen_

This is true that she will need the space and if her mom gets a puppy then it will take her longer to find a place to live with it.

This is true that she will need the space and if her mom gets a puppy then it will take her longer to find a place to live with it.LunaticBZ

People quickly told OP that her mom is taking advantage of her, which is most definitely what is happening and that is not okay.

People quickly told OP that her mom is taking advantage of her, which is most definitely what is happening and that is not okay.Physical-Spot-192

Some people even told her that she is NTA, but that she might actually need that extra help from her mom when she has the baby.

Some people even told her that she is NTA, but that she might actually need that extra help from her mom when she has the baby.fireandping

Some people even came in with some pretty interesting ideas to get her to move out without forcing her.

Some people even came in with some pretty interesting ideas to get her to move out without forcing her.Prudent-Warthog-2085

We don't blame OP for not letting her mom get a dog because it's pretty obvious that she's doing this out of spite and so that she can stay in her home longer. With this being said, we have to agree with everyone in saying that she's NTA but that she needs to set very clear boundaries with her mom.
