Woman Refuses To Babysit For Friend Because Of Incredibly Low Pay, Fears Their Friendship Is Now Ruined

"The original plan was M-F 9 hours a day, $150 a week. I wasn’t satisfied with that"

Woman Refuses To Babysit For Friend Because Of Incredibly Low Pay, Fears Their Friendship Is Now Ruined

We're here again with another post from the relationship advice thread that we've gone through before. This thread is so popular, and people really love to post their stories on there and get ideas from people on how to go about their situation or respond.

This thread is really for any type of relationship, whether it be romantic, friendship, roommates, or anything in between. So, really, these thread posts can be pretty broad, and many people give their opinions and perspectives in the comments section on all the posts.

With this being said, today's post is by a girl who is looking for advice on how she can navigate this situation with her friend. Essentially, her friend is asking her to babysit, but OP isn't okay with the price and also doesn't think that her toddler would be too happy about her babysitting.

Realistically, though, it's up to OP on what she responds, and if her friend is upset about it, then so be it, but she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to. If you're interested in hearing the full story and seeing the original post, then keep on reading as we dive in and continue looking into the post itself and all the best comments on it as well.

OP's post tells us all about the situation and what kidn of agreement her friend was offering, but she ended up saying no though. She says that the pay was bad and the offer wasn't great.

OP's post tells us all about the situation and what kidn of agreement her friend was offering, but she ended up saying no though. She says that the pay was bad and the offer wasn't great.u/ThrowRAbabysittinOP's

OP does feel bad but she thinks that this situation might taint the friendship they have because of her saying no to this. Ultimately this goes to show that sometimes it's not the best thing to go into business with any friends.

OP does feel bad but she thinks that this situation might taint the friendship they have because of her saying no to this. Ultimately this goes to show that sometimes it's not the best thing to go into business with any friends.u/ThrowRAbabysittin

We do have to agree that it's pretty rude to expect anything or to continuously ask after being told no, but maybe she really needed the help.

We do have to agree that it's pretty rude to expect anything or to continuously ask after being told no, but maybe she really needed the help.kzapwn

This is something that I would suggest too because she obviously has a reason to not want to watch the kid but also, no reason is still a reason and should be respected.

This is something that I would suggest too because she obviously has a reason to not want to watch the kid but also, no reason is still a reason and should be respected.sherrysimp

OP is clearly in a sticky situation, but it goes to show that sometimes doing business with friends can be kind of difficult and not really worth it, honestly. Plus, she doesn't necessarily have to have a reason for not wanting to babysit; no reason is still a reason.

What do you think about OP's situation and her friend pushing her to babysit?
