Girl Is Looking For Advice After Her Entitled Mom Doesn't Give Her Debit Card Back After Finding It On The Ground

We've all been in a situation with an entitled mom before but this seems ridiculous.

Girl Is Looking For Advice After Her Entitled Mom Doesn't Give Her Debit Card Back After Finding It On The Ground

We're back again with another Reddit post from the Entitled Parents thread, and this thread is definitely a popular one for both people to post on and also for people to comment on. This thread is where people go to post about their entitled parent so that other entitled parents that they encounter.

If you've been around or had entitled parents, then you totally understand how they are and all the issues that they can encounter with these people. With this all being said, we are looking into this post that was submitted by someone who is looking for advice because her mom tried to take her debit card from her after finding it on the ground.

As you can imagine, she explains more of the situation here and tells us how her household normally is, which leads us to believe this is not uncommon behavior. So many people commented on this post and let OP know what they thought about the situation.

Many people told her that it was not her fault and also gave her some ideas on how she could get the card shut off so her mom couldn't use it if that was her intention. So if you're interested in looking into the full post and also seeing all of the different comments left on it then keep on reading as we dive into all the details.

OP's post was actually really short but explained everything we need to know in order to give her some advice in the comments section.

OP's post was actually really short but explained everything we need to know in order to give her some advice in the comments section.asian_invasian123

Many people said to just deactivate the card and just not tell her so she can't use it if that's what her plan was.

Many people said to just deactivate the card and just not tell her so she can't use it if that's what her plan was.Wereig

The amount of people coming to give her advice was astonishing because they really probably helped her in this situation.

The amount of people coming to give her advice was astonishing because they really probably helped her in this situation.kygrlpkb08

Maybe her dad can help in this situation and it seems like he's more on her side than her mom is so hopefully he can help her situation.

Maybe her dad can help in this situation and it seems like he's more on her side than her mom is so hopefully he can help her situation.Reddit

I would be honestly concerned about her mom doing this so hopefully she can get this all situated so she doesn't have to worry again.

I would be honestly concerned about her mom doing this so hopefully she can get this all situated so she doesn't have to worry again.kaismama

Some people even told her that this is a crime and she could actually file a police report on her mom for doing this, which is true.

Some people even told her that this is a crime and she could actually file a police report on her mom for doing this, which is true.TacticalRoomba

This is exactly how we are feeling too. Do what you have to do honestly because it's clearly her card and her mom has no reason to take it from her.

This is exactly how we are feeling too. Do what you have to do honestly because it's clearly her card and her mom has no reason to take it from her.Reddit

Yep this is exactly what we are thinking too because it's clear that her mom is seeing her as this and not her daughter. It's quite unfortunate.

Yep this is exactly what we are thinking too because it's clear that her mom is seeing her as this and not her daughter. It's quite unfortunate.Misreable-Lemon

Many people were pretty worried about how her mom might handle this and how she might use her card to buy things.

Many people were pretty worried about how her mom might handle this and how she might use her card to buy things.BCHoll

She absolutely doesn't have any right to her money no matter if she's her mother or not. If she's not on the account then there you go.

She absolutely doesn't have any right to her money no matter if she's her mother or not. If she's not on the account then there you go.mcflame13

So many people commented on this, giving her tons of advice. We're actually impressed by how much people knew about this and how much advice people gave her on this situation.

We just hope that she can move out fast or figure out a way to have a relationship with her parents that doesn't involve her money.
