Compelling Movie Continuity Details You Probably Weren't Aware Of That Will Leave You Pleasantly Surprised

Things you didn't know before and didn't realize you needed to know.

Compelling Movie Continuity Details You Probably Weren't Aware Of That Will Leave You Pleasantly Surprised

Some details are easy to spot, and some require a lot of attention or an individual with a good eye for detail. It always catches you by surprise when you end up discovering more about something that has much more to it. 

Many movies have hidden easter eggs that movie directors include to pleasantly surprise people who enjoy looking for these types of clues. Some are well hidden and take longer to spot, but many others are pretty obvious to anyone willing to see them. 

Some events sometimes need more than one movie to unfold. Many prequels and sequels offer continuity details to keep the consistency of the story. 

It takes true dedication to do that, and some of the continuity details from iconic movies are nothing short of impressive. They are harder to spot and not apparent to everyone, but that's just the fun of it!

There's a subReddit called r/MovieDetails that offers some pretty engaging posts about movie continuity details. Users share their discoveries with the community, and everyone gets to enjoy elements that most of us were exhaustively oblivious to. 

Rewatching movies with extra information in mind certainly makes the experience much more interesting. Scroll down to check out some of the best movie continuity details offered by the subReddit. 

1. Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

"In Top Gun: Maverick (2022), the opening caption describing the Top Gun program is almost identical to the original film, except now it says “men and women” to show that there are now also female pilots."


1. Top Gun: Maverick (2022)Reddit

2. "Multiverse of Madness (2022) mirrors WandaVision (2021)"

2. Reddit

3. "Spider-Man 2 (2004)"

"The guy in Spider-Man 2 (2004) who sees Peter Parker save a child from a burning building is the same guy from Spider-Man (2002) on the bridge when Spider-Man is saving MJ and a bunch of kids from the Green Goblin"


3. Reddit

4. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

"In Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Thor’s lightning bolt left a gash through the Asgardian palace, allowing light to shine through from the other side, which remained consistent in the proceeding shots."


4. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)everettcollection

5. Justice League (2021)

"In Batman v Superman (2016) and Zack Snyder's Justice league (2021), two pivotal(and related) moments involving a key character happens at exactly the same moment in each movie's run time."


5. Justice League (2021)Reddit

6. Encanto (2021)

In Encanto (2021), the priest that loses his hair is actually revealed to be bald earlier in the movie when the tornado blows his wig off


6. Encanto (2021)Reddit

7. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended Edition) (2003)

"In “The Fellowship of the Ring” extended edition (2002), Saruman accused Gandalf of a slow mind due to his love for the Hobbits’ pipeweed. This was ironic because Saruman also had his own stash of the same weed. His stash was discovered in “The Two Towers” extended edition (2003)."

7. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended Edition) (2003)Reddit

8. The Matrix (1999)

"In the opening scene of The Matrix (1999), the elevator was a crime scene and had Police caution tape taped all over it. This detail was kept until the final fight scene of the movie."

8. The Matrix (1999)Reddit

9. No Time to Die (2021)

"In No Time to Die (2021), you can spot a bulldog figurine in Bond’s garage. This is the same bulldog figurine that M gives Bond in Skyfall (2012)."

9. No Time to Die (2021)Reddit

10. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

"The original “Red Five” was killed when his X-wing was destroyed by TIE fighters during the Battle of Scarif. This created the chance for Luke Skywalker to use the callsign in the Battle of Yavin and ultimately destroyed the Death Star."

10. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)everettcollection

11. Forrest Gump (1994)

"In Forrest Gump (1994), there was a scene that showed Forrest’s hand and it was bruised. The bruises were from punching Jennifer’s crush the night before."

11. Forrest Gump (1994)Reddit

12. Pulp Fiction (1994)

"In Pulp Fiction (1994), Honey Bunny was screaming in the opening scene, “Any of you f*cking pigs move, and I’ll execute every motherf*cking last one of ya”. Everything was the same at the end of the film, except this time she said, “I’ll execute every one of you motherf*ckers!”"

12. Pulp Fiction (1994)Reddit

13. Jurassic World (2015)

"If you paid close attention to the T. Rex in Jurassic World (2015), you would have noticed that he had scars. These scars were caused after he was attacked by the velociraptors in the climax of Jurassic Park (1993)."

13. Jurassic World (2015)Reddit

14. Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)

"In Ghostbusters: Afterlife [2021] Ray has a tattoo of Revelations 6:12 on his arm. This is the bible verse he misattributes as Revelations 7:12 to Winston in the original Ghostbusters."

14. Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)Reddit

15. Your Name (2016)

"If you pay close attention to the background scenery in Your Name (2016), you will notice that one of the trees in the town is later missing. This was because Mitsuha and Tesshi have turned a tree into their makeshift café."

15. Your Name (2016)Reddit

Some movies always have amazing detail that most people are usually completely oblivious to. It takes someone with a good eye for detail to spot these easter eggs and be nice enough to share them with us. If you enjoyed this list, make sure to share it with your friends and check out similar content on our platform.
