Curious Host Asks Online Users How They'd Deal With Guest With Service Dog That They're Not Willing To Accommodate

It's clear that this host don't want to deal with service animals

Curious Host Asks Online Users How They'd Deal With Guest With Service Dog That They're Not Willing To Accommodate

Do you know someone with a disability who is using a service dog? If you have disabled individuals in your social circle, chances are they'll be on your guest list when you host parties.

So how do you prepare to receive a guest with a service dog? The best first step is to educate yourself about the types of service animals.

Understanding what assistance animals are is key to welcoming them properly. Certified assistance animals aren’t just pets – they’re like superheroes in fur coats!

They undergo rigorous training to become disability support aides, helping their human partners tackle daily tasks with confidence and ease.

Among them are guide animals, guiding those who are blind or have vision impairments, and hearing animals, who are like ears on four paws, alerting their deaf or hearing-impaired companions to important sounds.

Service animals are all-rounders, assisting people with various disabilities by performing tasks specific to their needs. When you encounter a service dog, keep in mind that they have been trained to uphold hygiene and behavior standards suitable for public places.

It’s important to distinguish them from emotional support, companion, and comfort animals, which although supportive in their own ways, don’t have the same level of training and certification as assistance animals.

Sadly, not all people like the idea of letting these furry superheroes into their homes. Just by looking at this question, it's clear that this Quora user isn't willing to accommodate these animals:

How do you handle guests who unexpectedly bring an unwanted service dog to your home?

Quora users wouldn't consider them unwanted. They're working dogs after all.

“Unwanted”??????!!!! Oh please!!

no one has a service dog just to piss you off!! Service dogs are amazing animals with huge advantages for the people that own them!!

Would you mind if a guest brings a wheelchair?? or a walker?? even a cane??

Please have some heart…. some day you might need on!!

Quora users wouldn't consider them unwanted. They're working dogs after all.Blowing Puffer Fish via Wikipedia

When you're inviting a guest over, it's important that you know them well. Don't host them, otherwise!

I would think you knew that this guest has a service dog. I would let the guest in and meet their service dog; I love animals.

Some people need a service dog and would not have a problem with it but if you don’t want their service dog all over the place then talk to that guest about this as I’m sure they would understand. Service dogs are well trained and great behavior.

As long as the service dog is clean I don’t see a problem plus like I said you can talk to guest about you not wanting dog in certain places. The service dog will stay with their owner as this is what they do.

I would welcome that guest and their service dog.

When you're inviting a guest over, it's important that you know them well. Don't host them, otherwise!Pete Markham via Wikipedia

Quora users encourage consideration toward the guest.

Was this a true service dog, or their emotional support dog? I ask b/c some people like bringing their dog with them everywhere they go.

Nothing wrong with that, but the considerate thing to do in this case is to ask permission first.

The most common reasons a service dog is needed by it’s owner for reasons such as they are blind or have mobility problems. They have had extensive training, and you can always tell because they are extremely well-behaved, and generally should not be pet while on duty unless the owner gives explicit permission.

Then there genuine emotional support dogs, often used and needed to alert the owner of a diabetic crisis or an impending bipolar mood swing, to provide support for an autistic child, a PTSD survivor, or someone who suffers from anxiety or depression, etc.

For example, I know three dog owners in my dog club who all have poodles: one toy poodle that identifies a diabetic crisis, the other just before a seizure hits, and the other which is a large Standard Poodle, lets the owner’s husband know when she is getting ready to slip into a bipolar mood swing. None of those poodles went through formal training to be Service dogs, their talent was an accidental discovery.

Note: mixed breeds, often found in shelters and after adoption are also commonly found - completely by accident - to have a specific talent desperately needed by their new owner.

So anyway just ask your friend or their guest.

Quora users encourage consideration toward the guest.pixelshot via

A cat owner would keep all her felines in one room first and deal and cope with the situation.

I ask them to hang out in the hallway for a few minutes while I round up my two cats and put them in the bedroom. Once the door is firmly closed, all is good to go.

If I ever have a guest who has an actual Service Animal, they will NOT be “unwanted”. They might be a complete surprise but I will cope.

A cat owner would keep all her felines in one room first and deal and cope with the situation.gettysignature via

Some people with service dogs would ask the host first to determine if they're okay with the working animal.

I have gone through this situation before on the end of being the Service Dog owner. Let me assure you that when my Sera was still with me (she recently passed from cancer) she went everywhere with me.

And there were people like you who literally could not comprehend that she went EVERYWHERE with me.

Now, I always ask before I go to another person’s house, but it’s not because I care if they are comfortable with it or not. It is because I want to protect my dog from ignorant people.

Real damage can be caused to this type of medical equipment if people don’t take the time to educate themselves about it.

I don’t want to walk into a house where someone has a possessive animal that goes after my dog. I also don’t want people to talk to my dog or distract her in any way.

Now, if someone was brave enough to bring their dog to your home, you should be so honored. That means they trust you to help them protect their medical equipment from harm and that you respect the way they have chosen to access the outside world.

Let me assure you, you want that dog there. That dog is trained to provide lifesaving care.

To want your friend there without her medical equipment (it's just as necessary as oxygen) is to basically not care about her wellbeing. Also, no, a person cannot provide the care that a trained service dog can.

Please, make that person feel honored and welcomed. Respect the choice she’s made as you would want her to respect yours.

Some people with service dogs would ask the host first to determine if they're okay with the working animal.gettysignature via

True service dogs are needed by their owners. It counts to make them feel welcomed.

These same way I “handle" guests who need wheelchairs. I welcome them warmly into my home.

True service dogs are needed by their owners. It counts to make them feel welcomed.pixelshot via

Simple: don't be a prick, according to this user.

I welcome the Handler and Dog with all the pleasures my house can provide and avoid acting like a sanctimonious prick.

Simple: don't be a prick, according to this user.diversifylens via

If the original poster truly doesn't welcome service animals in his home, all he needs to do is not invite people who own them. When welcoming guests, being upfront about preferences is necessary.

If he finds it in his heart to be considerate, his gatherings can be more inclusive and enjoyable for everyone involved.
