20 Celebrities With The Most Recognizable Voices, According To These Redditors

James Earl Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Alan Rickman... Who's your favorite?

20 Celebrities With The Most Recognizable Voices, According To These Redditors

One of the most important qualities in actors is their voice. In a way, it steers their career.

Some legendary movie stars are recognized for their deep or high-pitched and funny voices and have worked in voiceovers, live-action roles, and animation. Several of Hollywood's most well-known performers rose to prominence because of their distinctive voices.

For example, James Earl Jones possesses a silky and deep voice that has landed him employment as a narrator and voice actor. In fact, in 2019, the older A-lister will play Mufasa in the live-action adaptation of The Lion King.

Other excellent actors use their melodious vocals to carry entire films, such as Scarlett Johansson's Her, or portray cartoon voices, such as Tom Hanks' Woody. There are two types of famous voice actors - the ones that get jobs because they have a single, incredibly recognizable voice and those that get jobs because they can do any voice.

And you end up surprised when you hear what they actually sound like in real life. A Redditor going by the name u/pokeboy626 asked: “Which celebrity voices are instantly recognizable?”

The answers came pouring in, and we have chosen 20 of the most interesting ones. Take a look, we know you will agree with your selection:


1. Samuel L. Jackson

1. Samuel L. JacksonReddit

2. Christopher... Walken

He once asserted he said he speaks the way he does because of his German immigrant parents who had to continually translate things in their brains thus they had these gaps when they had to think of a word in English. So he'd only recently learned to speak in that manner.

2. Christopher... WalkenReddit

3. Arnold Schwarzenegger

3. Arnold SchwarzeneggerReddit

4. Morgan Freeman

4. Morgan FreemanReddit

5. Sean Connery

5. Sean ConneryReddit

6. Alan Rickman

6. Alan RickmanReddit

7. Gilbert Gottfried

He is an American actor and stand-up comedian. He is famous for his shrill voice and emphasis on crude humor. He voiced the parrot Lago in Disney's Aladdin animated films and TV show, Digit LeBoid in Cyberchase, and Kraang Subprime in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Gottfried was the voice of the Aflac Duck until 2011.

7. Gilbert GottfriedReddit

8. Fran Drescher

...miiiistaah shEFFiiiiiiield....

8. Fran DrescherReddit

9. James Earl Jones

Luke, I am your father...

9. James Earl JonesReddit

10. David Attenborough

10. David AttenboroughReddit

11. Danny DeVito

11. Danny DeVitoReddit

12. Owen Wilson

12. Owen WilsonReddit

13. Chris Rock

13. Chris RockReddit

14. Robin Williams

One of the great ones. You will be missed...

14. Robin WilliamsReddit

15. Patrick Warburton

His acting roles often rely on his distinctive deep, booming voice and large physique.

15. Patrick WarburtonReddit

16. J.K. Simmons

16. J.K. SimmonsReddit

17. Phil Hartman

Hi, I'm Troy McClure!
You may remember me from such films as..
17. Phil HartmanReddit

18. John Ratzenberger

He is known for his role of mailman Cliff Clavin on Cheers (1982–1993), and many voiceovers for Disney and Pixar movies.

18. John RatzenbergerReddit

19. Mathew McConaughey

Mr. "I don't own a shirt."

19. Mathew McConaugheyReddit

20. Tim Curry

The original Pennywise, the Dancing Clown from IT

20. Tim CurryReddit

Well, do you agree with Redditors? Are these the most recognizable voices?

We often wonder who are people behind the voice-overs for commercials cartoon TV shows. And we are ashamed to admit it, they make even commercials sound good and make us want to rewatch them.

And these people are the reason.
