Maid Of Honor Stirs Drama Over Color Of Her Dress, Makes Bride Cry, And Tells Her To Grow Up

Fights over colors should be left to preschool children.

Maid Of Honor Stirs Drama Over Color Of Her Dress, Makes Bride Cry, And Tells Her To Grow Up

A 33-year-old maid of honor caused wedding-related drama over the color of the bridesmaids' dresses her sister picked. OP said she was honored when her younger sister, Carmen, asked her to be her maid of honor.

She had been helping Carmen plan the wedding until a recent argument over dresses. OP, Carmen, and the six bridesmaids were out dress shopping.

Carmen wanted three bridesmaids to wear silver dresses, while the rest of her wedding party will be in light blue. Carmen picked a dark royal blue dress for OP.

OP hated the color. Dark blue was not a color she wore for anyone or any occasion — not even as the maid of honor at her sister's wedding.

OP told Carmer she wouldn't wear the dark royal blue dress she picked out. OP left to take a light blue dress she saw and proceeded to the counter to pay for it.

Carmen stopped OP and begged her to wear the dark blue dress during the ceremony. She reassured OP she could wear the dress she picked out during the reception.

OP refused and said she did not want to be photographed in a dress she hated. Carmen cried and accused OP of being unsupportive.

OP snapped and told her younger sister to grow up. She reminded Carmen the world did not revolve around her and her wishes.

The bride-to-be rolled her eyes at OP before she stormed out of the shop.

The bride-to-be rolled her eyes at OP before she stormed out of the shop.Inside-Camp-1855

OP's husband and her best friend sided with Carmen. They said the same thing Carmen did. OP could stand to wear a dress she didn't like for a few hours and then change into the color she wanted.

OP's husband and her best friend sided with Carmen. They said the same thing Carmen did. OP could stand to wear a dress she didn't like for a few hours and then change into the color she wanted.Inside-Camp-1855

The only one in her corner was her mom. Everyone else thought OP was a jerk for making her sister cry over the color of her MOH dress.

The only one in her corner was her mom. Everyone else thought OP was a jerk for making her sister cry over the color of her MOH dress.Inside-Camp-1855

OP was voted the a**hole. It's a right of passage to rock a bridesmaid/ maid of honor dress you don't like to support the bride.

OP was voted the a**hole. It's a right of passage to rock a bridesmaid/ maid of honor dress you don't like to support the bride.morganalefaye125

It's OP, not Carmen, who needs a reminder that the world doesn't revolve around her.

It's OP, not Carmen, who needs a reminder that the world doesn't revolve around her.blubberfucker69

Wearing a dress you wouldn't pick for yourself is a small sacrifice to bear witness to a loved one's special day.

Wearing a dress you wouldn't pick for yourself is a small sacrifice to bear witness to a loved one's special day.Catfish1960

It's Carmen's wedding. When OP agreed to be the maid of honor, she should have remembered that the bride controls how her bridal party looks on the day of her wedding.

It's Carmen's wedding. When OP agreed to be the maid of honor, she should have remembered that the bride controls how her bridal party looks on the day of her wedding.cstamin

OP should feel a little embarrassed with how she behaved. She is a woman in her 30s throwing a tantrum over a color. She acted like a child.

OP should feel a little embarrassed with how she behaved. She is a woman in her 30s throwing a tantrum over a color. She acted like a child.CriticalSimple3122

No one is going to vote on who is the best-dressed bridesmaid at the wedding. They should all be busy celebrating the bride and groom.

No one is going to vote on who is the best-dressed bridesmaid at the wedding. They should all be busy celebrating the bride and groom.QuirkySyrup55947

OP didn't even show remorse when she made her sister cry. She told her to grow up as she cried.

OP didn't even show remorse when she made her sister cry. She told her to grow up as she cried.sassybsassy

OP wrote the post in a way where you could tell she thought she didn't do anything wrong.

OP wrote the post in a way where you could tell she thought she didn't do anything wrong.Next-Drummer-9280

OP needs to take a step back, breathe, and come to terms with how she behaved over a dress.

OP needs to take a step back, breathe, and come to terms with how she behaved over a dress.hippychk

OP's Carmencentric view of the galaxy has been rejected. It was OP who vied to replace the sun.

OP's Carmencentric view of the galaxy has been rejected. It was OP who vied to replace the sun.TheMapleSyrupMafia

OP's account was suspended. It's unclear if OP realized how unreasonably she behaved over her sister's dress color choices.

If OP couldn't stand how the dress looked on her, she should bow out of the wedding party and attend as a guest. She shouldn't stir up more drama if she wants to be a part of her sister's life.
