25 People Share Hilarious Examples Of How Instructions Were Completely Misunderstood
How can someone be so wrong?
- Published in Funny
Everyone like custom-made things. The list is infinite, from cheeky BFFs tees you ordered with your bestie to a personalized birthday cake to a mug with your name on it from the company secret Santa.
Our infatuation with items created and designed specifically for us is natural given that life is one big customized order you weren't even aware of.
There's nothing like having something custom-made just for you. But, ordering a custom item carries a certain amount of risk.
There is never a guarantee that the outcome will be exactly what you wanted. But since humans adore possessing something unique and special that no one else has, we willingly accept that risk.
Or simply because we don't think a straightforward custom order for which we supplied clear instructions could go wrong. Well, it can.
And it often does...Reddit has a whole section devoted to such humorous mistakes caused by misunderstood directions.
To share the funniest instances of "ordering a custom label and giving instructions, only to have the instructions printed on the thing you ordered," the "Peanut Butter Is One Word" subreddit (a smart allusion to the BoJack Horseman show) was created. The subreddit is full of the funniest examples of people just not giving a man about properly interpreting instructions.
Check out some of the funniest posts down here:
1. Probably
SandiPsych2. Use a pretty font...
svensonic13. "OP’s Girlfriend Got Them A Bojack Themed Birthday Cake."
reddit.com4. Out of the office
donach695. "OP’s Company Now Has 900 Of These Pens"
LordGuille6. Sent from my iPhone
not_gerg7. "Make Sure That You Label Them That They Contain Egg"
kapildwasnik8. Vegan fish fingers
bertiebauer9. Leave blank...
tapanapanteraaaLaura Vanagaite, a graphic designer, explains that such unfortunate printing situations that occur during the process always depend on both sides.
“When presenting the final file to the person in charge of a printing procedure, it is better to leave exact notes, as well as tell them the instructions face to face if it's possible. It will leave no doubts in case they have some and you can always ask how it will look in the end,” Laura said.
“Sometimes there can be confusion if the text is not clear enough or the description reveals too much information. For example, if a present is for a surprise birthday party, it is better to write everything in the notes, leave your contacts and tell them that if there is any doubt, they can call you.”
10. "Sent My Friend A Potato For His Birthday"
pattoyourcatto11. "Poland Flag"
metmike8912. "Not Sure If This Was Posted Before, But My First Thought When I Found This Reddit"
vilidj_idjit13. "While Not Exactly The Same As The Gag, This Reminded Me Of The Show!"
Super_Mario_Sunshine14. Congratulations To Tucker I Guess?
reddit.com15. Sample Text
Yaimerie16. "Association’s Name"
Alice_Savard17. Not obvious
exzact18. In Arabic
jakeinator2119. "Came Across An Intentional One Today"
idiotgalore20. "Happy Birthday, Generic Men And Women"
mirafacon21. "A Friend Of Mine Ordered A Picture Cake And Gave The Woman A Thumb Drive With The Picture She Wanted To Use."
just_leave_it22. "Parents Didn’t Want Their Son’s Name Printed On His School Photo"
Dewdeaux23. "My Anniversary Present."
imgur.com24. "My Mom’s Old iPad"
miinyuu25. "30 With Stars And Sprinkels Around It!"
fluffykittieWe have to say that it looks like some of these mistakes were made on purpose, just to make a joke. However, some of them are unintentional.
It’s probably because many of the workers in these companies are underpaid and don’t really care about doing a good job. Managers, are you reading this?