Tiny Rescue Kitten Defies The Odds And Lives To Tell Her Miracle Story
Abandoned seriously malnourished kitten brought back to health and has her dream come true.

How could anyone abandon that adorable little face? Sadly, this tiny three-week old kitten, the size of a newborn cat, was discovered deserted with her sister on March 24th 2018, by Mini Cat Town. Mini Cat Town is a rescue group in San Jose run by three sisters, Thoa, Thi and Tram Bui. Specialising in the care of neonatal kittens, the sisters participate in fostering and rescuing kittens.
Nakia survived her almost fatal ordeal but regrettably, her sister was not long for this world. In an Instagram post, the sisters said, ‘One of our little panthers passed away last night. She suffered from [some] sort of seizure, and before we could get to a vet, she passed away.’
Nakia refused to give up even though she had many hurdles to overcome. ‘Nakia is very malnourished,’ the sisters shared. ‘So malnourished, in fact, that her skin and fur is coming off in chunks and large flakes’. Weighing only 3.5 ounces when she should have been at least 10 ounces at three weeks, she found the strength to start eating, drinking and using her potty.
Three-week old kitten seriously malnourised

Nakia’s beautiful head was too large for her tiny body, classic signs of a malnourished cat. ‘We made a special formula for her, that involved turkey baby food, kitten formula and a mixture of water and Pedialyte, to hydrate her and help her gain weight,’ Thao said.

Sweet lil cupcake

But, in spite of the odds, Nakia began to gain some strength in her tiny legs after just a few days of round-the-clock feeding. She even started to explore. The sisters made some little clothes for her out of socks to cover her bare body. Climbing out of her carrier during meal times, she started eating like each meal was her last.
The sisters rescued another kitten, Rosemary, two-weeks old, and she weighed about the same as Nakia when she was five-weeks old. Although very small, Nakia had a vivacious spirit and lapped up the cuddles with anyone close to her. The sisters said there was something very special about the way she looked at them. You can see that just by looking into those big bluey-green eyes.
The sisters made Nakia little clothes out of socks

Nakia and Rosemary

It took only five days for Nakia to work her lovable charm. She found a new home, is now named Elle, and even has a big sister, Lily, so she will never be lonely again. She adores her new humans and has become very attached. Thanks to the Bui sisters, Elle’s life is purrrfect now that she has her forever home.
Nakia/Elle and her big sister Lily

Look at how far she's come.

Nakia/Elle with her purrrfect forever family

That adorable little face would melt any heart.
