20+ Memes That Will Completely Destroy Your Version Of Childhood Cartoons And Characters
And there goes your whole childhood.

Oh, how we all loved those early Saturday morning cartoons where you cannot wait to get up as early as you can to watch your favorite show. That was the life! The only worry you had was that your dad might take the remote from you to watch his game, or your sibling might fight with you about wanting to watch their own favorite show.
Back then we didn't care about small things that didn't make sense or weren't properly in place as we couldn't completely understand the concept of the stories, but now that we are older we tend to look at the details and analyze every small thing.
Over-analyzing our favorite childhood TV shows can destroy our perception of everything we thought we knew about life.
1. Different language
The producers clearly did not think this one through.

2. Friends are friends
Just because he is bad doesn't mean his furniture is.

3. Screw logic
Let's take listening to music to a new level. Listen with your eyes it's better!

4. A bubble in a bubble
I'm in a bubble, but I can still blow me some bubbles.

5. Siblings or couple?
This confuses me! I don't know whose married or whose brother and sister anymore.

6. Shave away
There is no beard, you are a bunny!

7. It is too much space
The opening is literally as big as they are, but no they cant escape at all!

8. Another music one?
What is going on with these people? Another character listening with his cheeks?

9. Birthday suit
Wouldnt it be better to have it the other way around?

10. Just climb in
Now I will take it with me as holes are completely portable. Right!

11. Gravity, gravity!
It is amazing how it only works if you look down. Again, screw logic!

12. A dog and a dog
Why would you have a dog and you are a dog? Why not a cat or something?

13. This is too ironic
Good job guys you let a sponge wash dishes with another sponge, why not just let him use himself?

14. Jungle baby
Apes are hairy, you are raised by them, you should also be hairy!

15. Prince charming
If a guy forgets what you look like after the first date it's not meant to be ladies. Move on!

16. Unattached sleeves
It might just be some air holding it up, I mean why not, anything is possible right?

17. Ears are overrated
You don't need ears to hold your glasses for you, it just attaches itself to your face.

18. Oversized jacket
I need this jacket in my life. No more heavy handbags just put everything in your jacket.

19. Old age Christmas
You cant celebrate Christmas if the maker of Christmas is not alive on earth yet!

20. Father sausage
Good choice of portrait for a father pig.

21. Invisible pants
He never wears pants, but yet without his shirt, the bottom part of his body is naked?

22. Atheist
Jesus lives, but he still doesn't believe!

23. Was the shoe too big?
Shoes only fall off if it is too big, just an FYI.

24. Chicken for dinner
Ducks and chickens are really close to one another, they might just eat themselves.

25. Wood search
Why wouldn't someone go searching in the woods for someone random to kiss.

26. Monster inspectors
When will these two realize that monsters don't exist?

27. A circle and a triangle?
I would also really like to know how this is possible!

28. No humans here
They never had hair it was the shape of their skulls? They definitely are aliens.

29. Powerful when it is needed
His strength probably varies depending on the situation he is in.

30. We got a shoe size problem
Damn! Would this not have been a difficult situation in today's society.

31. Baby forever
Sure! Because any mother would like to raise a baby for the rest of her life.

Elzaan Van der merwe