24 Pictures Of Everyday Meals Transformed Into A Wonderful Anime Replica

"The characters eating different meals make them look incredibly appetizing"

24 Pictures Of Everyday Meals Transformed Into A Wonderful Anime Replica

So many people particularly enjoy the fully developed food theme in anime. The colors and exaggerations in dishes are constant.

The variety of dishes produces rather nostalgic thoughts, and the characters' eating of the various meals makes them look incredibly delectable. Can this genuine food fantasy be realized and made into an anime?

Christine J is the brain behind today's collection, and she uses a mobile AI application to stylize a series of images of foods she has consumed while traveling since she was curious if she could make it work the other way around. The result is a full anime series of food that didn't exist and an aesthetic that can be admired forever.

Christine lives and works in Ukraine, and she's passionate about experimenting with AI tools. She continues:

"I adore traveling, I usually take many photos and videos on the way. I prefer remote and hard-to-reach places like archipelagos, mountains, glaciers, and northern islands. But I’m most impressed by the cold countries, as I’m not good with heat. Besides, knowing that many people will never visit these unique places multiplies the value of each trip."
The idea for a restyled anime food series came naturally — I love the anime aesthetic, and I wanted to see how AI could transform the food on my plate, and it worked. 

Here are some of her food anime works below.

1. This Asian Soup Gets More Interesting Every Time

1. This Asian Soup Gets More Interesting Every TimeChristine J

2. A Bottle Of Jólaöl In The Faroe Islands

2. A Bottle Of Jólaöl In The Faroe IslandsChristine J

3. Baked Chicken With Herbs In Bologna

3. Baked Chicken With Herbs In BolognaChristine J

4. I Can’t Even Tell What Those Vegetables Are

4. I Can’t Even Tell What Those Vegetables AreChristine J

5. A Ton Of Pasta

5. A Ton Of PastaChristine J

6. Jackpot. Chinese Noodles And Coke In The Faroe Islands

6. Jackpot. Chinese Noodles And Coke In The Faroe IslandsChristine J

Honestly, I don't always dare to try the local cuisine and mostly choose traditional dishes (although last year I was treated to a deer heart in the Arctic Circle, that was crazy). The idea for a restyled anime food series came naturally — I love the anime aesthetic, and I wanted to see how AI could transform the food on my plate, and it worked. 

The vegetable section of the grocery store is probably my favorite pic in this series. AI has generated veggies from the future that you definitely want to try because you've never seen them in real life.


7. Here I Am On A Diet

7. Here I Am On A DietChristine J

8. Canned Potatoes In Copenhagen

8. Canned Potatoes In CopenhagenChristine J

9. Swedish Pastries

9. Swedish PastriesChristine J

10. Zucchini With Lemon On A Hot Summer Day

10. Zucchini With Lemon On A Hot Summer DayChristine J

11. My Grocery Cart In Bruges

11. My Grocery Cart In BrugesChristine J

12. Brussels Sprouts With Lemon And Porridge

12. Brussels Sprouts With Lemon And PorridgeChristine J

13. A Bouquet Of Ukrainian Radishes

13. A Bouquet Of Ukrainian RadishesChristine J

14. Fried Corn In Istanbul

14. Fried Corn In IstanbulChristine J

15. Boiled Potatoes Remind Me Of Gyoza Dumplings

15. Boiled Potatoes Remind Me Of Gyoza DumplingsChristine J

16. Asian Soup Turned… Borscht??

16. Asian Soup Turned… Borscht??Christine J

17. My Grocery Cart In Dublin

17. My Grocery Cart In DublinChristine J

18. Canned Gherkins Overlooking The Lagoon

18. Canned Gherkins Overlooking The LagoonChristine J

19. Fried Tuna With Veggies In Portugal, And A Glass Of Wine

19. Fried Tuna With Veggies In Portugal, And A Glass Of WineChristine J

20. Butterfly Treats At The Copenhagen Botanical Garden

20. Butterfly Treats At The Copenhagen Botanical GardenChristine J

21. A Small Breakfast On Madeira Island

21. A Small Breakfast On Madeira IslandChristine J

22. Yellow Something

22. Yellow SomethingChristine J

23. My English Breakfast

23. My English BreakfastChristine J

24. Don’t Ask What It Was, I Liked It

24. Don’t Ask What It Was, I Liked ItChristine J

Christine finds looking at ordinary things from the side very special. For her, it's as if "you were immersed in an alternative universe, where everything was familiar to you but simultaneously new."

Her gastronomic experiments turned into an anime series; well, that was cool. Drop your thoughts about this collection in the comments and share as well.
