Why Marilyn Monroe Won The Hearts Of Fans Over The Other Blond Bombshells Of Her Time

She is still an icon that continues to inspire people today.

Why Marilyn Monroe Won The Hearts Of Fans Over The Other Blond Bombshells Of Her Time

It's been 60 years since the icon has passed and yet the world still knows Marilyn Monroe's name by heart. In fact, even today, people still continue to dig into the Marilyn Monroe phenomenon.

Before she became a legend, however, Marilyn was just an ordinary girl who didn't seem like she would immediately stand out in a crowd. Then, suddenly, after a few changes to her looks, she was catapulted into becoming one of the biggest actresses of the 50s.

Men were literally falling down at her feet, boys had their walls covered with her photos, and women were trying to copy her every move and wave. She gained enormous popularity and her photos were all over the billboards of cinemas and on magazine covers.

Even outside of the states, Marilyn's name and works were absolutely loved. At one point, she even became the symbol of the country and up until today, she remains irreplaceable. Strangely though, Marilyn wasn't the only blonde bombshell of her time.

There were tons of other blonde and gorgeous actresses who were working the field and yet, Marilyn beat them all out for the top spot. Let's take a look and try to figure out how this came to be.

How a simple girl named Norma became the famous Marilyn Monroe

Before the start of her career, Marilyn knew at that moment that a blonde girl with styled hair had more chances to make it into the entertainment industry so she changed her look drastically.

It was only then that she was able to sign her first contract with 20th Century Fox.

Right away, they started to think of a screen name for her and since her husband's surname, Dougherty, had too many possible pronunciations, Ben Lyon wanted it changed right away.

Norma/ Marilyn offered the use of the surname of her maternal line while Lyon chose the name Marilyn because Norma resembled the star of the Broadway musical Ziegfeld Follies, Marilyn Miller.

In one of her letters, the actress admitted that the nickname Clare Normal was also in the running for her screen name. It will take 10 more years for her to officially change the name.

How a simple girl named Norma became the famous Marilyn MonroeCAP / SFS / Capital Pictures / East News, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation / Collection Christophel / East News

Of course, making Marilyn Monroe is not just about finding the right name. The actress' overall look was shaped over time.

In the start, she started only getting small roles acting as the chic, luxurious woman. The audience loved the image though and from there, Monroe's popularity started to grow.

Monroe then started receiving more offers to take part in movies but she wanted to develop as a professional actress so she took acting lessons. Unfortunately, it's like nothing came off it because directors were only seeing an attractive doll in her.

Because of that, Monroe decided to do what she could do best which is to portray beautiful women.

Of course, making Marilyn Monroe is not just about finding the right name. The actress' overall look was shaped over time.Capital Pictures / East News, © Everett Collection / Everett Collection / East News

This is a shot from The Prince and the Showgirl and it's the only flick with Monroe's participation that wasn't shot in Hollywood.

Despite being in so many films, however, a lot of women didn't like Monroe's image. They thought she was too vulgar.

However, Monroe was still a trendsetter and she started a trend for dresses that hugged the curves of the body. She was simply never shy about choosing outfits that made her more attractive and beautiful.

This is a shot from The Prince and the Showgirl and it's the only flick with Monroe's participation that wasn't shot in Hollywood.Mary Evans/ AF Archive/ Cinetext Bildarchiv/ Mary Evans Picture Library/ East News

Because of her success, a lot of studios actually tried to copy and paste Monroe on so many actresses so many times. In a way, they wanted to clone her looks and her appeal without the naughtiness that Monroe developed.

Here are some of her most famous "clones."

Marilyn and Lana Turner

Turner wasn't essentially a clone of Monroe especially given that Turner appeared on TV before Monroe did but the two were often compared to each other. One of their similarities is that both of them couldn't boast of a happy childhood.

In 1951, Turner was called the most glamorous woman in the history of world art.

Marilyn and Lana TurnerMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures / Collection Christophel / East News, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation / Collection Christophel / East News

Marilyn and Grace Kelly

Another blonde who was often compared to Monroe was Grace Kelly who finished her career on TV to become the wife of the Monaco prince. However, rumors say that the prince was recommended to marry a Hollywood actress and he apparently initially chose Marilyn.

Marilyn and Grace KellyMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures / Collection Christophel / East News, Collection Christophel / Collection Christophel / East News

Marilyn and Jayne Mansfield

After Monroe's success, one blonde girl after another started sprouting up in Hollywood trying to recreate her success. One of those actresses is Jayne Mansfield who also signed a contract with 20th Century Fox.

The studio apparently was planning to replace the demanding and naughty Monroe with the new blonde, however, Mansfield didn't consider herself simply to be Marilyn's clone.

She often kept insisting that she and Monroe didn't actually look much alike.

Marilyn and Jayne MansfieldCollection Christophel / Collection Christophel / East News, Collection Christophel / Collection Christophel / East News

Marilyn and Kim Novak

Another blonde girl who was often compared with Monroe was Kim Novak who was coincidentally named Marilyn at birth. Novak's most iconic film was the Hitchcock classic Vertigo.

Novak was actually hired not to replace Marilyn but another popular actress, Rita Hayworth, who was becoming extremely difficult to work with and who was no longer bringing in a significant income to the studio. They were hoping Novak would bring in as much money as Marilyn.

To do that, they tried to mold her into the familiar viewer's stereotype, however, Novak wasn't so simple. She kept confronting them and insisting to keep her uniqueness.

The studio demanded she change her name but the actress refused. The studio also wanted her to lose more weight and dye her hair lighter.

After finding the right wardrobe for her, Novak was turned into an ideal copy and the studio's hopes were fulfilled. She did bring in mountains of money for them.

Marilyn and Kim NovakMary Evans / AF Archive / Mary Evans Picture Library / East News, © Columbia Pictures / Collection Christophel / East News

Marilyn and Betty Grable

One other actress who looked a lot like Marilyn was Betty Grable. The two actresses even actually worked together in the film How To Marry A Millionaire.

There were rumors though that the two didn't get along and that Gable whose fame was going down at that point was said to envy Marilyn. In reality, though, the two had a good relationship.

It's said that Gable even told Marilyn that she had already gotten what she wanted and wished her good luck.

Marilyn and Betty GrableTwentieth Century Fox Film Corporation / Collection Christophel / East News, Mary Evans / AF Archive / Mary Evans Picture Library / East News

Marilyn and Sheree North

Sheree North is another blonde actress who was rumored to be hired by 20th Century Fox to frighten the naughty Monroe. Not only was North as light-haired as Monroe but she also matched Monroe's parameters almost 100%.

Unlike other actresses though, North wasn't shy of aging and she was perfectly fine with playing the roles of older and more mature women.

Marilyn and Sheree NorthMary Evans / AF Archive / Mary Evans Picture Library / East News, Courtesy Everett Collection / East News

Marilyn and Mamie Van Doren

Mamie Von Doren is another actress who was called Marilyn's clone. She was working with Universal which was also in search of Monroe's analog.

To try and replicate Monroe's success, Mamie was dyed blonde and she was made to take on roles of silly but attractive beauties. In her interviews, Van Doren also admitted that studios didn't seem to know what to do with her since they were used to working with male actors like Jeff Chandler, Rock Hudson, and Tony Curtis.

Marilyn and Mamie Van DorenCapital Pictures / East News, Collection Christophel / Collection Christophel / East News

Marilyn and Diana Dors

Diana Dors was called the British version of Monroe because of her strong resemblance to the actress. When Monroe's film The Asphalt Jungle came to the UK, a lot of journalists even remarked that the lead actress looked very much like Dors.

In 1956, Dors went across the pond to try and make it in Hollywood. She signed an agreement with RKO film but unfortunately, the studio soon put a stop to the agreement because her films failed.

Marilyn and Diana DorsCollection Christophel / Collection Christophel / East News, Collection Christophel / Collection Christophel / East News

Marilyn and Anita Ekberg

Another actress the studio was planning to replace Monroe with was Anita Ekberg. She visited the USA as a participant in the Miss Universe contest from Sweden and though she didn't win it, she was noticed by Universal studios.

Then, in the mid-50s, Paramount started to work with her and even promoted her as "Paramount's Marilyn Monroe." She did achieve world fame because of her role in the movie La Dolce Vita.

Marilyn and Anita Ekberg20thCentFox / Courtesy Everett Collection / East News, Collection Christophel / Collection Christophel / East News

These days, modern stars feel no shame in copying Marilyn's look

Marilyn definitely left a range of classic looks that have become mainstays in pop culture. Even today, big stars like Madonna, Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani, Mariah Carey, and Lady Gaga have tried to repeat her looks.

These days, modern stars feel no shame in copying Marilyn's lookEast News

There really is no one to replace Marilyn and her image also doesn't just fade over time. Even now, her name is still uttered with reverence and so much respect because of her contributions to the world of entertainment.

She simply was one star of a kind that's why no other blonde actresses were able to match her when it comes to how iconic she has become.
