If you are not familiar with the term "mansplaining," it's because it is relatively new. But, unfortunately, it describes something that's been going on for ages, and no one knows if it will ever stop.
The term was first introduced by author Rebecca Solnit in 2008. It describes a situation where men explain something obvious to women using patronizing voice and tone.
And "mansplaining" is most often done by men who know nothing or just little about the subject, and it's explained to women who are often experts or have extensive experience in the field. Sadly, unwanted explanations from men happen very often.
But to see the level of absurdity and obviousness of mansplaining, we have to look at the actual instances that happened to them in real life. Twitter user Nicole Froio, who's a Ph.D. on sexual violence and masculinity, asked women online to share "the most obvious thing a man has ever mansplained to you," the answers started pouring in one after another.
And they are completely ludicrous. It is unbelievable that these things can happen in the 21st century.
We have selected 40 of the "best" ones, and it was a hard thing to do. Take a look:
Nicole Froio, who's a Ph.D. on sexual violence and masculinity, asked women online to share "the most obvious thing a man has ever mansplained to you"
So, have you encountered mansplaining? It is so widespread that it is almost impossible to avoid it. I guess the best thing to battle it is to stop the guy from mansplaining with sound arguments. Although, men with such mindsets don’t respond well to arguments. They tend to block them sometimes, making women feel even angrier.