Man With Dog Allergy Is Confused On What To Do As His GF Brings Her Dog To Every One Of Their Dates

"He is the type of chihuahua that make people instantly think: yappy, uneasy, aggressive small dog"

  • Published in Animals
Man With Dog Allergy Is Confused On What To Do As His GF Brings Her Dog To Every One Of Their Dates

The simple truth is that falling in love is not all that difficult. But staying in love is where all the work comes in.

You could feel like the luckiest person in the world when you first start to feel those butterflies. But as time goes on, we learn about our partners' routines and reactions, and they become predictable.

Sometimes, being predictable can be boring. Nevertheless, this does not imply that all relationships will end in breakups, but many do lose their initial spark.

People drift away, as we have all seen or heard. One difficulty is that certain characteristics that you initially find appealing in a partner may get annoying or even frustrating with time.

That element of predictability may be at fault because everything is more vivid and exciting when love is brand new. Couples can increase their understanding of one another and their relationship by communicating with one another over a date night.

Communication is crucial as people are constantly evolving and encountering new difficulties as their relationships progress over time. But what happens when your partner decides to prioritize their dog over you? 

Don’t get me wrong, just hang in there until you read the entire story posted to the AITA subreddit community by a Redditor named u/undergradindebt. 

The headline...

The headline...u/undergradindebt

She won't let the dog leave her sight

She won't let the dog leave her sightu/undergradindebt

I made my dog allergy very apparent

I made my dog allergy very apparentu/undergradindebt

He's got the worst separation anxiety

He's got the worst separation anxietyu/undergradindebt

We plan to move in together

We plan to move in togetheru/undergradindebt

Here are what redditors had to say:


1. You have to fix this sooner than later

1. You have to fix this sooner than laterReddit

2. Here's a food for thought for the OP

2. Here's a food for thought for the OPReddit

3. This commenter is afraid that the relationship is over

3. This commenter is afraid that the relationship is overReddit

4. Be prepared for her to choose the dog over you

4. Be prepared for her to choose the dog over youReddit

5. Sounds like you're already wasting your time

5. Sounds like you're already wasting your timeReddit

6. She should be more considerate of you

6. She should be more considerate of youReddit

7. Are you willing to accept her attitude?

7. Are you willing to accept her attitude?Reddit

8. She is disrespecting your wishes

8. She is disrespecting your wishesReddit

9. This is not going to work in the wrong run

9. This is not going to work in the wrong runReddit

10. It will cost her the relationship with you

10. It will cost her the relationship with youReddit

11. The priority ladder

11. The priority ladderReddit

12. You need a new girlfriend

12. You need a new girlfriendReddit

13. You've been very considering and accommodating

13. You've been very considering and accommodatingReddit

14. Do not move in with her

14. Do not move in with herReddit

15. Not everyone is compatible with such a person

15. Not everyone is compatible with such a personReddit

16. There is no excuse to not train your dogs

16. There is no excuse to not train your dogsReddit

17. She has shown you her topmost priority

17. She has shown you her topmost priorityReddit

18. She doesn't care about your allergies

18. She doesn't care about your allergiesReddit

19. You need to think long and hard

19. You need to think long and hardReddit

20. You have an allergy and she made a choice

20. You have an allergy and she made a choiceReddit

Here's an edit the OP added later on...

Here's an edit the OP added later on...u/undergradindebt

Yes, dogs are sweet, and we never want to leave their side, even for a minute. But then, there are times we tend to overdo things, just like the OP’s girlfriend.

Redditors are of the opinion that she doesn’t care about the OP’s allergies. Do you think so too, or do you have a different opinion?

Let us in on your thoughts by dropping a comment below.
