Hilarious Pics of "Malfunctioning" Cats

Cats are so gracious and sophisticated. Except when they are not

  • Published in Animals
Hilarious Pics of "Malfunctioning" Cats

Cats look so gracious and sophisticated. But... they get tired of constantly acting that way, and they have to let off some steam from time to time. And when they do… it's beyond hilarious.

They take poses and do stuff that's totally unexpected and so not in line with their public image. Luckily, their owners have their cameras ready and manage to capture these brief moments of cats going crazy.

r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat is a place where owners can share these moments, and it's a real gem. We've compiled a list of 45 of the best photos, and we know you will love them. Enjoy

1. I’m okay.

1. I’m okay.icZAstuff

2. "Jasper Likes To Show Off His Knees"

2. brownishgirl

3. "Every Time I Yell Up The Stairs To My Teenagers... He Appears Like This"

3. JeniBean7

4. What?

4. What?jasontaken

We should keep in mind that, although the cats in these photos look healthy and happy, strange behavior can be a sign of a serious health problem. That’s why taking proper care of our fluffy friends is extremely important, the experts from PDSA, the UK’s leading vet charity, say.

Nina Downing, a vet nurse, says that the owners have a responsibility to make sure that our cats should be able to express their natural behaviors freely and not be restricted in any way. It’s one of the five basic animal welfare needs. The other four are health, companionship, good diet, and appropriate environment.

“Cats love to play, but they need to be able to play the games that are natural to them, like jumping, pouncing, and chasing, all of which mimic behavior that they display when playing outside. If your cat is a house cat, then you need to provide toys, climbing areas, a hidey-hole, and scratch pads,” she explained that we have to provide cats with proper items and amusement ‘infrastructure’ to keep them active and stimulated. It’s not hard to imagine how lazy and overweight a cat would become in an empty apartment where there’s nothing interesting to do.

5. "This Cat Likes To Sleep In The Tree. Banana For Scale"

5. DFJonesJr

6. Sticky cat

6. Sticky catemiceel

7. Tangled up sleeping

7. Tangled up sleepingreddit.com

8. "She Sits On My PC And Stares At The Wall"

8. reddit.com

Excessive weight is one of the most common challenges that house cats face in urban environments. Calory-packed food and low activity often lead to cats becoming lethargic and overweight. This, in turn, will reduce the cat’s energy levels, life expectancy, and quality of life. Additionally, this can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes, liver disease, etc.

Our cats need to stay lean and energetic, and Nina emphasized that we’re responsible for being “proactive and enticing” to get them interested in exercise if we want to help them lose weight. “It’s worth it, though,” she said.

9. Look. My butt!

9. Look. My butt!purplesheep19

10. "I Love His Feet Sticking Out To Either Side!"

10. megduck94

11. Busted!

11. Busted!reddit.com

12. Stand tall

12. Stand tallfhawlds

“As pets lose weight and they get more energy, owners are often astounded by their cats’ behavior changes, reporting that they are becoming more active and interested in life: ’He’s like a kitten again,” she mentioned how some owners react to the positive changes.

“Their slowing down wasn’t because they were getting older at all, simply that they were unhealthy, felt rubbish, and probably couldn’t be bothered,” Nina said that a good diet and plenty of exercise will help our fluffy friends feel young and fit again. In short, spending some quality time with our cats will result in even more quality time and much more photo opportunities.

13. Scary

13. ScarySystemLog

14. "Vlad Wants Attention"

14. sheriw1965

15. Straight from the nozzle

15. Straight from the nozzleIan--McKellen

16." No Dishes. Only Cats"


17. "A Noise Happened"

17. Bahggs

18. Chilling

18. ChillingRoselyn Park

19. "I Think He Really Loves The New Rug"

19. reddit.com

20. "We Will Never Know What They Saw"

20. AlexTheFlower

21. "That Tail Kink Though"

21. UnclassifiableHum

22. "Here’s My Cat That Also Thinks He’s A Guinea Pig"

22. reddit.com

23. "My BF Cleared His Throat"

23. reddit.com

24. Don't stop me now...

24. Don't stop me now...ZELaiken

25. "Me: Trying To Fold Kitchen Towels.... My Cat:"

25. Jennyojello

26. "My Wife Took This Picture And Showed It To Me Laughing Today..."

26. justlurkingdnd

27. Just sticking around...

27. Just sticking around...NLark

28. "He Just... Sits There"

28. magenta_thompson

29. "This Is Where Our New Cat Sleeps, So This Is What I Wake Up To"

29. Dildo_Swaggins1201

30. Yummy...

30. Yummy...KingShannara

31. "I’m Not Quite Sure What’s Wrong With Him But Send Help"

31. reddit.com

32. "Can Confirm - He Does Not Have Trust Issues (It Has Since Been Reinforced To Protect Against Chonkiness)"

32. reddit.com

33. "He’s Not The Best At Grooming"

33. youreaspooty

34. "I Was Wondering Where The New Kitten Went"

34. reddit.com

35. "He Likes To Take Piggy Back Rides, And Will Crawl Onto Anyone’s Back If They Happen To Bend Over Near Him"

35. reddit.com

36. "You'll Ruin Your Eyesight Sitting That Close To The Monitor!" I Said"

36. sirdigbykittencaesar

37. "What Do You Mean I Have Bad Posture? I Was Told This Fits Here! She Sits Like That For Hours Every Other Day"

37. reddit.com

38. "Am I In The Right Room?"

38. PinHeadLarry42

39. "Nothing Quite As Comfy As A Pull-Up Bar, I Guess"

39. reddit.com

40. "We Just Bought A New House. This Is Where I Keep Finding Him"

40. reddit.com

41. "The Ol’ Faceplant"

41. boogeewoogee

42. "He Just Fell Asleep Like That, Woke Him And He's Fine But It Looks Like He's Wasted"

42. reddit.com

43. "Mr. Perfect Wants To Join Us For Dinner"

43. Exidor

44. "Not Sure How Ben Feels About The Car Ride"

44. reddit.com

45. "What The Hell"

45. reddit.com