Imaginative Artist Creates Relatable Comics About Animals Trying To Make It In The Human World, And They're Brilliant

Let your eyes be blessed with photos of some of the most majestic cats you'll ever see.
Do you love cats? Like, REALLY love cats? Then you'll obviously have heard of Maine Coons and all of their majesty. They're basically the royalty of the house-cat kingdom. Yup, they're THAT cool. So here to satisfy your daily need for cute cats in all their fluffiness is over 10 photos of Maine Coon cats just doing their feline thing.
Okay, I might be going a little overboard with the cat love but they're absolutely adorable cats and I would definitely be the type of person to have 12 of them in my house, except they wouldn't all fit. I'm going to need a bigger house. Or smaller cats...