Pro Tip: Before Naming Your Dog, Consider How You'd Sound When Yelling It In Your Neighborhood

Some names really don't translate well when yelling

  • Published in Animals
Pro Tip: Before Naming Your Dog, Consider How You'd Sound When Yelling It In Your Neighborhood

One of the best parts of adopting a new pet is coming up with their name. I personally like to take some time to get to know the animal's personality before sticking them with their forever name.

How awful would it be to give them a name like “Killer” or “Lucifer”, when they’re actually the sweetest creature that has ever graced the Earth? Or on the flip side, “Angel” or “Sweetie” when they’re actually the devil incarnate.

Even if you were trying to be ironic, it just wouldn’t be fitting. And it may just be me (it probably is just me), but there’s something grating about names not suiting the animal.

Besides having the name be fitting to your specific pet, it’s also important to consider how the name sounds when said quickly, or yelled. In case your beloved fur-baby decides to pull a Houdini and goes for an unauthorized run around the neighborhood, you may not want to be yelling “POOP-FACE” or “STUPID.”

Worse yet, there are racist implications with some color-themed names, like “Brownie” or “Blackie” if people don’t see the animal in question while you’re yelling for them. And some names can be easily misheard, like “Venus,” “Trucker,” or “Digger.”

Thinking of these sorts of names and instances, Redditor u/Duderino732 took a quick moment from their day to share a handy Life Pro Tip:When picking your dog’s name imagine what screaming it in your neighborhood will sound like.

Keep scrolling to see what 40 Redditors had to relate to this tip.

LPT: When picking your dog’s name imagine what screaming it in your neighborhood will sound like.

LPT: When picking your dog’s name imagine what screaming it in your neighborhood will sound like.Duderino732

1. "Snickers" can sound like a racial slur

1. LlamaLlasagna

What LlamaLlasagna was referencing

What LlamaLlasagna was referencingreddit

2. Related: naming your animals after common skin-tones

2. Related: naming your animals after common skin-toneshonestly_oopsiedaisy

3. Good looking out, Mom

3. Good looking out, Momkhaos324

4. Additional caveat: If you have small children in your life, also consider their speech abilities

4. Additional caveat: If you have small children in your life, also consider their speech abilitiessighthoundman

5. Constantly fish out of water

5. Constantly fish out of waterMutoforma

6. Legal name vs nickname

6. Legal name vs nicknameMomentary_Apocalypse

7. I can see why "Bear" could be problematic

7. I can see why couchtomato1986


8. Panic! At The Dog Park

8. Panic! At The Dog ParkThesaurusrex93

9. "Shooter"? In this climate?

9. KingFlyntCoal


10. Sorry, grandpa

10. Sorry, grandpadiverareyouok

11. That was an adventure

11. That was an adventureResplendentShade

12. Another Mom saving the day

12. Another Mom saving the daycanitakemybraoffyet




(in case you haven't witnessed this yet)

14. Not a terrible name at least

14. Not a terrible name at leastTheObsessiveLearner


15. Kitty!

15. Kitty!ritalinchild-54


16. Dick jokes for days

16. Dick jokes for daysAuctorLibri

17. Cat: Who's stupid now?

17. Cat: Who's stupid now?Bebinn

18. Scout drawing likeness to being in "To Kill A Mockingbird"

18. Scout drawing likeness to being in phinbar

19. Shaaaark!

19.  Shaaaark!MoneyLoud1932


20. Proving that with a little bit of extra thinking, you can avoid a problematic name

20. Proving that with a little bit of extra thinking, you can avoid a problematic namencurtis94

21. Winne the Pooh

21. Winne the PoohStewdogm9


22. Guten Morgen

22. Guten MorgenEdwardBigby


23. Khaaaaaaaaaan!

23. Khaaaaaaaaaan!sentinelk9


24. Funny how an event can change an innocent name into something terrible

24. Funny how an event can change an innocent name into something terribleEllendyra

25. Learned the hard way

25. Learned the hard waygarrison1988

26. Giving us some "prank phone calls to Moe's" vibes

26. Giving us some


27. Who knew the name Venus would be so difficult

27. Who knew the name Venus would be so difficultlifes-scroll

28. Crazy, or aggressively friendly

28. Crazy, or aggressively friendlygnarfler

29. Follow up LPT that's actually really helpful

29. Follow up LPT that's actually really helpful

30. So many folks taking the perfect opportunity to name their pets iconic yelling names

30. So many folks taking the perfect opportunity to name their pets iconic yelling namesTreekin3000


31. Unintentional Lord of the Rings fans

31. Unintentional Lord of the Rings fansjaraldoe


32. Definitely top 5 worst names

32. Definitely top 5 worst namesyParticle


33. Too bad their Mom wasn't around to dissuade them from this name

33. Too bad their Mom wasn't around to dissuade them from this namemarls671

34. They had us in the first half

34. They had us in the first halfTashus


35. Elvis has left the building

35. Elvis has left the buildingfirefiretiger

36. Unintended cat-calling

36. Unintended cat-callingmjr_llo


37. HEY, DUDE_perl_


38. Oy, Mista!

38. Oy, Mista!ttrpgGM

I will never not think of this

I will never not think of thistwitter

39. Rascal can be synonymous with asshole

39.  Rascal can be synonymous with assholeawoodby


40. was OP was calling them out?

40. was OP was calling them out?Super_Silky


Have you ever owned a pet with an unintentionally terrible name? Or maybe you knew someone who did?

We want to know all about it, so please drop your story in the comments section below. If not, we still want to know which of the comments above were your favorite!

And don’t forget to share this handy life pro-tip with your fellow pet owners.
