Parents Call The Lottery A "Tax On The Stupid" But Immediately Changed Their Tune When Their 23-Year-Old Won
They want her to give them the weekly pay out or she can move out of the house. Guess which option she chose.
- Published in Funny
Contrary to what we've been told, money does buy happiness and more. It can give a person the freedom to make choices without fear of failing and starting from zero.
It buys security and peace of mind which a lot of us cannot afford. We all have separate paths to achieving this kind of financial freedom.
Some people choose to be employees, others become business owners, and a few of us are born into wealth, while there is a very small subset of the human population that finds money through luck. Gambling and betting are some of the methods people choose to get rich quickly.
However, the odds are not in our favor when it comes to gambling our hard-earned money away. "The house always wins," is a famous warning for a reason.
You have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning than you do winning the lottery. Your odds of winning the Powerball jackpot are 1 in 292.2 million (your chances of dying from a lightning strike is 1 in 122 million.
If and when you win the lottery, the odds of you succeeding and keeping your wealth are not ideal. 70% of lottery winners end up broke and one-third declare bankruptcy within three to five years of winning.
This 23-year-old plays the lottery every now and then just for fun
u/FirstluckeverShe lives at home with her parents and her three younger siblings. She gives most of her paycheck to her parents but keeps $150 for herself.
u/FirstluckeverHer parents know that she buys scratchers and has mocked her for it saying that they are a tax on the stupid. Her mom also said gambling is against the words of God.
u/FirstluckeverOP won and she will continue to receive her prize money in installments every week for the next twenty years.
u/FirstluckeverShe studied what to do with her money and decided she will keep working but her mom found out she won the lottery when OP bought some gifts for her siblings.
u/FirstluckeverHer mom told OP to share her "heavenly bounty" and said she has to give a part to their church but OP said no
u/FirstluckeverOP then moved out and currently lives with her new dog but her mom is still trying to emotionally manipulate her
u/FirstluckeverOP's only responsibility is to herself and moving out of her parents' limiting house is a step in the right direction
tosser9212OP's family are the kind of people who will leech off of a person until there's nothing left
catculture8At 23 years old, she has done so much for them without expecting anything in return
Throwawayhater3343If possible, OP should really do everything she can to maintain a healthy and far away distance from her family
PotatoscanbeanythingThey don't change, the money just makes their greed surface faster
JintessOP has to do her best to make herself untraceable to enjoy her life
JintessOP can explore her skills and potential without her parents using her as a babysitter
ImKiliWHopefully, the professionals helping OP are covering all the bases to make sure her family can't exploit her anymore
Sad_Appearance4733Her mom should be proud because OP is just using what she learned from their church
BaitedBreathsBut she wants OP to fork over the devilish money so she can enjoy it herself
sjyfflOP has to be vigilant. Greed is a terrible, terrible monster.
Mindless_Sell_9283OP can create iron-clad trusts for her siblings so they will never want for anything
Mindless_Sell_9283OP's windfall does not automatically make her immoral and it's very cunning of her mom to use their religious belief against her
LadyCass79OP expressed her intention of going back to school once things settle down. She has been mulling over the idea of becoming a librarian because she is very fond of reading.
OP would have happily lived her life helping her family had her parents not shown their true colors. She was right to move out of their house and finally start chasing her dreams with a loyal dog beside her.