Legless Dog Wishes To Be Able To Walk On His Own
All creatures deserve to have equal chances of living happy and healthy life.

None of us are born to be exactly the same. Not even with twins.
But in terms of living a happy and healthy life, we are all equal in having that opportunity. Everyone deserves a better life including other creatures such as animals.
Whenever we want something, we also do our best to achieve them. This story of a dog named Jjomaeng is proof that dogs have dreams too and in this case, he was to be able to walk by himself.
Born legless, Jjomaeng was obviously different from normal dogs. But his condition did not crush his spirits, he was active and showed much interest in interacting with other dogs.
His younger brother, Earllook is very protective of him and took care of him since their mom left. They are both lucky cared for by an attentive and caring owner who always looks for their welfare.
Despite his disability, he remained to be an active and loving dog. Using her incomplete legs, he would go quickly to his mat, which his owner spreads for him most of the time.
Playing with other dogs can be hard for him as the play gets rough. He could only wish for something and that is to walk on his own.
Read on to know how this poor dog's ultimate wish came true. Be inspired by this story too.
This is the handsome Jjomaeng.
Living with his owner in the village, this legless uses only his body to move around. The dog dreams of one day being able to walk around on her own.

His owner spreads a mat on their yard for him to exercise on.
As fast as he could, he would try to move around the mat. He was still sweet and active despite his condition.

At times, Jjomaeng and his brother both get to play with other dogs in the house but as the play gets rough, the situation becomes unfit for this poor dog.
Earllook would always rescue his brother from other dogs. Their owner has sent the other dogs out leaving the poor fellow alone.
It is so heartbreaking to see Jjomaeng watching the dogs play outside. You would easily notice the sadness in his eyes and see his longingness to join his playmates.
Whenever his owner would go to work, she would take him with her. But he only gets to stay in one place.

Still, the sight of dogs happily playing around only breaks his heart.
Jjomaeng tried to crawl towards the other dogs so he could reach them but as he realized that much effort was needed, he just let go of such thought.
He could only wish to be with them. He wants to be part of the group and happily play with his fellow dogs.

Finally, Jjomaeng got a wheelchair!
Until one day, his ultimate wish came true! Good-hearted members of the Kritter Klub gave him a wheelchair to help him move around with ease.
Tears of joy fell from her owner's eyes. That was when she saw her precious dog finally walking on his own.

Dreams do come true if you keep on believing. Never lose hope.
That is what we learned from Jjomaeng's story. Although he needed time to get used to his wheelchair as his "new legs", Jjomaeng's strong will to join his brother and friends will take him to his dreams one day at a time.