15 Times Kids Named Things WAY More Accurately Than Their Actual Name

"My friend’s 5-year-old just saw a crow and called it a “Halloween eagle.”

  • Published in Funny
15 Times Kids Named Things WAY More Accurately Than Their Actual Name

Kids. Ahhh. What can we say. They're honest, that's for sure. They're sweet, they're crazy, they're active and did we mention already, HONEST!

They say if a woman calls you ugly, she's jealous, but if a kid calls you ugly, you're ugly. This is because kids are just WILD and savage and say whatever the hell they want. In many situations, this can be cringe and awkward, but what we have below is just awesome.

Below are kids who didn't know the name of day-to-day things, so they named the things themselves and they're SO funny. This all happened in response to a 5-year-old girl aptly naming a crow a 'halloween eagle' - which, by the way, we will TOTALLY be using in future.

1. "Nursie bags"

2. "Quiet doggies"

2. Twitter

3. "Burrito skins"

3. Twitter

4. "Sting flowers"

5. "Hand ankles"

6. "Dinosaur?"

7. "taco store"

7. Twitter

8. "New Honk City"

8. Twitter

9. "Kitty Kattens"

9. Facebook

10. "yay meat!"

10. Twitter

11. "Speed-doominator" (awesome!).

11. Facebook

12. "Lunchateria"

12. Facebook

13. "butt burps"

13. Facebook

14. "Omelopes" - genniusssss!

14. Facebook

15. "Clothes fridge" - I'll be using the HELL out of this!

15. Facebook