Pet Owner Wonders If She Was Wrong For Causing Unnecessary Fuss At The Vet By Telling Other Pet Owners To Keep Their Dogs Away From Her Scared Cat
She and her pet were surrounded by big dogs at the vet's office.

Cats react differently when they're rehomed. But no matter what their personality is, they will get stressed when someone adopts them.
Since felines thrive on routine, rehoming means that they'll be forced to change their daily habits. Cats will also miss their old owners, making them sad and even depressed.
If you're a new owner, the first thing to do is to provide a safe and quiet space for your adopted cat. If it is mostly spending time indoors, allot some time to play with it.
The first thing you'll probably do upon seeing your cat frightened is to stroke them. But remember that cats aren't humans.
Cats will appreciate it if you give them their safe space. Go for cuddles only when they're relaxed.
The story we'll look at today is about a pet owner who recently adopted a two-year-old cat. A user named akuzihsa consulted the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) over her actions during her cat's vet appointment.
The cat is still displaying signs of stress from being rehomed, so it's her tendency to be protective of her cat. During its vet visit, she noticed that every time a dog approached them, her pet would get afraid.
So she told the other dog owners to keep their pets away as her cat was afraid. Eventually, she went to an area where there weren't any dogs near, but she was getting weird looks from other pet owners.
After what happened, the original poster (OP) asked the community if she was wrong for being overprotective.
The OP took her adopted cat for a check up.

The dogs kept approaching her and her cat.

So she asked other pet owners to stop their dogs from coming near.

Her friend didn't agree with what she did.

She's done nothing wrong according to the majority of Reddit users.

It is the responsibility of owners to keep their pets near them. Their dogs shouldn't be bother other people and animals.

A dog's behavior can be unpredictable even if they're well-trained.

If she wasn't polite, then that's considered an overreaction.

Keeping the dogs away was the right thing to do.

Cat owners shouldn't ignore their pet's fears.

Keep the dogs away from the cat wouldn't be hard for their owners.

Even if the dogs are friendly, they can still be a threat to a stressed and anxious cat.

It's the owners who should be asking if they can let their dog be. Not the other way around!

At this point, the scared cat is the priority.

The OP's friend doesn't understand the situation.

Dog owners weren't following standard courtesy.

What if a mischievous dog knocks down the cat carrier? The poor little thing would've been more stressed.

Nothing's wrong with asking owners to get their dogs to stay put.

A vet's office isn't the best place for pets to make friends.

A Redditors praises the OP for responsibly handling the situation.

It's the pet owners who are wrong for not stopping their pets from bothering other animals.

Well, this was an interesting story, and it makes some points. It is already stressful for the cat to visit the vet. So OP did the right thing by placing her cat in a safer space that's away from the dogs.
She did what was best for her cat. So she shouldn't mind the weird looks that she's getting from her fellow pet owners.
