Couple Gets Satisfying Revenge After Being Tormented For Months By Karen Neighbor
After a few months of making her neighbor's lives a living hell, Karen finally gets what she deserves when the tables turn around.
- Published in Funny
When it comes to moving to new places, you'll never know what kind of neighbors you are going to get. You may get cool neighbors with who you'll be making barbecues and cakes with or you can get nasty neighbors who will make your life a living hell.
Sadly for Reddit user Unique_username504, it was the latter that she and her partner got. After saving up for a decade and finally buying their dream home, they found that they had moved in next to a Karen.
The worst part is that it was no ordinary Karen that you can find in supermarkets or in your local mall. This Karen was an especially obnoxious one who made it her mission to make the couple's life hell.
From throwing her trash at her neighbor's property to calling the cops on them, this Karen did everything in her power to make their lives miserable. Luckily though, the couple was able to do something about it.
Unfortunately for Karen, when the tables turned, there was very little she could do to turn it back around. Karma really came around for her.
Read the whole story and tell us what you would have done if you were Karen's neighbors.
Unique_username504Here is where it all starts
OP and her husband were simply finally getting their dream home but nobody would have ever thought that this dream home would give them headaches for months to come not because of the house itself but because of their neighbor, a Karen of the worst kind.
Unique_username504Karen didn't even hesitate a moment to show her true colors
Once she got to know who her neighbors were, Karen didn't even wait one moment to show them who's the boss in their neighborhood. Like the real Karen she is, she also made her expectations clear that she was expected to continue with her privileges.
Unique_username504This is where all the trouble starts
As she made clear, Karen did continue with her privileges. The thing is, she didn't even ask. Sure, her neighbors may be kind people but it doesn't take much to show some manners, right?
Unique_username504The first incident with the cops
Having a backyard spat with your neighbors is bad enough but Karen seemed to want more so after another argument with her neighbors, she invited the cops over and guess who still lost in the end.
Unique_username504Karen seems to love inviting more trouble over to her side of the property
Karen never seems to get tired of causing trouble. This time though, she and her new boyfriend has upped it up a notch and made a real case for the cops to come over.
Unique_username504 Unique_username504 Unique_username504 Unique_username504 Unique_username504 Unique_username504 Unique_username504Karen finally gets what she deserves
It might take some time but in the end, people who cause trouble always get what they deserve. In this case, it's the best possible revenge for the couple. Oh, we would have loved to see Karen's face for this one.
Unique_username504 Unique_username504 Unique_username504 Unique_username504 Unique_username504 Unique_username504 Unique_username504 Unique_username504A few months later, OP updated that Karen and her family were still living in the duplex and not paying rent due to all the COVID stuff. OP's parents were supposed to move in next door, however, since they can do little about the laws in place, OP's husband went and stayed with the in-laws to take care of them.
The good news though is that BillyBob is out of the picture. And although Karen was pretty smug at first, the arrival of her mom kept her in check.
Karen's mom Susan is apparently her daughter's opposite. She was mortified with Karen's behavior.
With her there though, the kids have been better behaved and Karen wasn't so Karen anymore. Susan even insisted on paying rent but OP lied about how much it actually is and only let her pay half of it.
OP and Susan even became friends, having drinks every now and then and baking on the weekends. Sometimes, when they have parties, even Karen is amicable.
Susan also told OP that she wanted to move back home at one point and she wanted to take her daughter and the kids with her. Since everything is going better now though, OP has admittedly said that they're not as much in a hurry to have them leave.
Since her post went viral, a lot of people also had something to say about this Karen situation.
The world blessed them with a clean revenge
CmdrNorthpawIf she hasn't already that is
CNorawPretty solid advice
ThejerseyguyIt's not bad to be extra careful alright
BrotherMacThe best goodbye letter
Henniferlopez87Somebody doesn't think it's for the better of the couple
Oh, we wish she did!
CracklingBaconIt's just better to let Karen go
Unlikely_UseIt makes us believe justice still exists in this world
realtorinKarma works in the best ways
SmithOfTheWildYou'll never know with Karen
imthecaptainnaoCan't hurt to be sure
RexMcRiderDon't give her any more chances to be more Karen
mc_squared_03According to OP, "Still worth every money" and damn right it is
BeardsuptheWazooLet's hope not
AlbinchenWell, now you do
ecitruocIt's really not that hard. Seriously.
PookyNutsGood for Karen that she has pretty generous and patient neighbors because honestly if it were us, we'd love to see her getting escorted out of the property. It doesn't take much to be a good neighbor and yet, she pushed every single boundary there is.
Hopefully, she has learned her lesson though.