Curious Online User Wants To Know If It's Bad For Dogs To Not Have Fellow Canine As Companion
![Curious Online User Wants To Know If It's Bad For Dogs To Not Have Fellow Canine As Companion](
These are what the Internet refers to as "Purposeful Pusses," with an emphasis on the purr in purpose.
Thousands of years ago, when humankind first domesticated cats, it was mostly to act as mousers. Having cats deal with pests on farms and near food storage was a game changer... but over time cats have become so much more than employees!
Today, cats still sometimes have important jobs, especially in rural areas and on farmland, but most cats are beloved pets above all else. They keep us company, warm our hearts, and bring us joy.
That doesn't mean cats don't still hold positions of prestige and power, professional or otherwise. Why else would Reddit have created the subreddit r/catswithjobs?
Crypto Cat is sliding into your DM's as we speak.
More like safe paws, but I believe in this cat's ability to keep a tight ship. Turkey is lucky.
Maximum luxury is life with cats.
She just takes a lil cream off the top for payment purposes.
C'mon, it's clearly just a cat nap.
The neighborhood watch around these parts takes their job seriously.
Nothing misses her line of sight.
I'm sure Panko is a better secretary than the mug implies!
It's only natural to fall in love with the purrson doing the delivering, right?
"Mousekeeping" takes priority over housekeeping, naturally.
Accepts payments in "chimken" and tuna.
Truck drivers are unsung heroes, Butters is no exception.
Carpenter? More like Catpenter.
The maid service is unparalleled.
She's a BOSS BABE.
How many "what's new pussy cat" jokes do you think se's heard in her lifetime?
Judge, jury, and executioner.
If you can't appreciate the expert level of pun involved in "US PSPSPSPS" then I don't know what to DO with you.
It's imperative to pass inspection.
It's a good thing they're working hard because surely no one around them could concentrate on anything beyond their cuteness.
Not all cats are cut out to be expeditioners but Gary is nailing it.
The cat's job is particularly important.
Famers are the back bone of any nation.
While mom's away, the babies will... cuddle.
Why trust one opinion when you could have a gang of cats?
She can't be bothered to count all of your coins, sorry.
I see no problems here. He looks fierce.
There's no hospitality quite like cat hospitality.
I can think of no better public relations officer than this cat.