50 Cleverly Sarcastic Memes That Will Leave You In Stitches

Sarcasm is a gift that continues to give.

  • Published in Funny
50 Cleverly Sarcastic Memes That Will Leave You In Stitches

Sarcasm is a gift that continues to give. Furthermore, we understand that not everyone fancies it.

Mistaken assumptions are normal in sarcastic jokes. And if an individual doesn't sort out their tone while saying something contrary to what they mean, they might be the only one laughing at their own joke.

While their meanings differ, sarcasm is, for the most part, perceived as making expressions whose surface definition communicates something contrary to the intended significance, frequently with a funny or deriding purpose. Furthermore, studies have additionally observed that sarcastic individuals will generally be more clever and creative.

Fortunately, the internet is filled with memes of the boss cousins of a good sarcastic joke. This is where references are unpretentious, puns are just ridiculous, the relatable circumstances being referred to are generally much worse, and the slogan doesn't match the picture.

In any case, it's a quintessential type of online social discussion, and the online world would be a lot blanker without them. There’s an Instagram page with an astounding 9.6 million followers, called Sarcastic_us, who joins them both together—I mean the memes and sarcasm in interesting and hilarious posts.

So we can conclude from its sheer popularity that this is exactly what people are looking for in online entertainment, so I'll just leave it at that. Keep scrolling to see some of their sarcastic memes.

1. Air Polar

1. Air Polarsarcastic_us

2. Now he'll always find it

2. Now he'll always find itsarcastic_us

3. Many idiots...

3. Many idiots...sarcastic_us

4. Lol... A big punishment

4. Lol... A big punishmentsarcastic_us

5. But then, there's no going back

5. But then, there's no going backsarcastic_us

6. Happens all the time

6. Happens all the timesarcastic_us

7. Lol!

7. Lol!sarcastic_us

8. The best!

8. The best!sarcastic_us

9. Accurate

9. Accuratesarcastic_us

10. How dogs think versus how cats think

10. How dogs think versus how cats thinksarcastic_us

11. This is me almost all the time

11. This is me almost all the timesarcastic_us

12. Lol... Someone is in trouble

12. Lol... Someone is in troublesarcastic_us

13. That must hurt...

13. That must hurt...sarcastic_us

14. Longest interview in the world

14. Longest interview in the worldsarcastic_us

15. Very simple but accurate answer

15. Very simple but accurate answersarcastic_us

16. It's something else really

16. It's something else reallysarcastic_us

17. A wonderful multitasking

17. A wonderful multitaskingsarcastic_us

18. So touching

18. So touchingsarcastic_us

19. Everything must be calculated

19. Everything must be calculatedsarcastic_us

20. This is brilliant

20. This is brilliantsarcastic_us

21. I just love my sleep

21. I just love my sleepsarcastic_us

22. Can you move?

22. Can you move?sarcastic_us

23. And realization hits you!

23. And realization hits you!sarcastic_us

24. My dog versus my cat if I should die

24. My dog versus my cat if I should diesarcastic_us

25. The definition though...

25. The definition though...sarcastic_us

26. What to do?

26. What to do?sarcastic_us

27. That's going to be extra maddening

27. That's going to be extra maddeningsarcastic_us

28. I couldn't have said it better

28. I couldn't have said it bettersarcastic_us

29. Lol... What!

29. Lol... What!sarcastic_us

30. Playing a game of self

30. Playing a game of selfsarcastic_us

31. No, no no...

31. No, no no...sarcastic_us

32. Get it into your thick skull

32. Get it into your thick skullsarcastic_us

33. Everything seems to be so confusing

33. Everything seems to be so confusingsarcastic_us

34. Marrying for the right reasons

34. Marrying for the right reasonssarcastic_us

35. Lol, I wasn't expecting that

35. Lol, I wasn't expecting thatsarcastic_us

36. How avengers see the earth

36. How avengers see the earthsarcastic_us

37. Introverts and their different scenarios

37. Introverts and their different scenariossarcastic_us

38. I certainly need more sleep

38. I certainly need more sleepsarcastic_us

39. They never know when it's serious

39. They never know when it's serioussarcastic_us

40. You know what to do if you want to live...

40. You know what to do if you want to live...sarcastic_us

41. They always know... Always...

41. They always know... Always...sarcastic_us

42. It's the capital of hungry?

42. It's the capital of hungry?sarcastic_us

43. Having hair is a blessing

43. Having hair is a blessingsarcastic_us

44. And something to write comes up

44. And something to write comes upsarcastic_us

45. *Leaves the room*

45. *Leaves the room*sarcastic_us

46. A life saver

46. A life saversarcastic_us

47. You can imagine the time...

47. You can imagine the time...sarcastic_us

48. He had just one job...

48. He had just one job...sarcastic_us

49. Don't, I beg you

49. Don't, I beg yousarcastic_us

50. Different moods

50. Different moodssarcastic_us

There's a justification for why Oscar Wilde said that "sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence." How about we face the obvious: not every person understands sarcasm, which is a quintessential piece of any joke, whether posted on the web or told physically.

Truth be told, it is prevalent to the point that you stick out when you fail to understand it.
