Incredibly Cute Puppies That We Wish Would Stay Frozen In Time

I want to adopt them all, each and every one of them

  • Published in Animals
Incredibly Cute Puppies That We Wish Would Stay Frozen In Time

Dogs are man's best friend for a very good reason, their loyalty and love bring so many positive emotions and behaviors out of us. They're like furry and fluffy children that never grow up and that love us to death no matter what.

All dogs are awesome, but puppies are just way too cute. The smallest things they do manage to make us melt and fall in love desperately. If only there was a way to conserve them in that exact same state.

Here are some of the cutest puppies on the internet, scroll down and get ready to fall in love.

1. "Time To Go Shopping!"

1. RiceyHD

2. "Cooper's First Time At The Beach"

2. Loopdeloops

3. (^∇^)

3. (^∇^)Cruuzr

4. "Sleeping Corgis"

4. Goro Welsh corgi

5. "The Car With A Puppy Holder"

5. MrQoz

6. "This Little Goober's Expert Photobombing Skills."

6. Loopdeloops

7. "Let Me Out Of This Kennel Please!"

7. catch3

8. "Looks Like The Woodland Critter Christmas Bear"

8. HBorn

9. "Little Penny"

9. Roofus & Kilo

10. "German Shepherd Puppy Baffled"

10. Phant0mP0wer

11. "This Floof Who Got A Little Bit Swept Away On A Windy Day"

11. THEJordonBrown

12. "Perfect Spot To Take A Nap"


13. "Not Sure If My Friend Got A Puppy Or A Baby Polar Bear"

13. dnceebz

14. "This Little Guy Is Up For Adoption At Our Local Humane Society. Meet Joker"

14. Nat_El

15. "Wally Had An Adventure"

15. Toothless168

16. "My Boss Got A Puppy And Brought Her Into The Office"

16. penguindisco

17. "A Ladybug Boopin The Snoot Of The Pupper"

17. erik102696

18. "Look How Cute I Am"

18. joannrs

19. "Just Chillin"

19. Jezusismynigga

20. "And This Puppy-dog-eyed Sweetie"

20. jlbutton

21. "Take Your Dog To Work Day"

21. usom

22. "Awwww Such A Cute Bulldog Puppy Trying To Wake Up Daddy"

22. Maqsoodk

23. "Shhh, Puppy Sleeping. Leave Your Upvotes Quietly Please"

23. OctopussSevenTwo

24. "Let's All Take A Moment To Appreciate This Puppy"

24. Hung2Knee

25. "Paws For A Moment And Enjoy This Puppy"

25. ArtisticChemistwithaBeard

26. "Newfoundland "

26. Khristina

27. "She Likes To Sleep In The Bowl"

27. 466rtfge

28. "All Worked Out"

28. Chevalnektosha

29. "Charlie's First Day Home"

29. kevinpauly

30. "This Sweet Girl Who Might Have The Cutest Ears In The History Of Cute Ears"


31. "He's So Excited For Snow"


32. "Hi Cutie"

32. Khoa

33. "St. Bernard Puppy, Anyone?"

33. dagamedontchange

34. "Bulldog Baby"


35. "Cutest Puppy Ever"

35. endl355

36. "He Hasn't Quite Figured Out The Stairs Yet"

36. prosyntax

37. "Peaches Sleeping On The Door Handle On Our Way Home"


38. "When You're On That 9-5 Grind Stuck In Traffic But You're Just A Puppy"

38. AstoCat16

39. "Puppy Breath Is The Best"

39. BigRedDawg103

40. "My New Chow Chow Puppy Experienced Winter Today"

40. BlairSeely

41. "My Favorite Puppy Out Of The Littler Was This Little Sleepy Guy"

41. XultimateX

42. "This Tiny Tot Who Can Fit Inside An Actual Baseball Cap"

42. Elizabeth the Corgi

43. "Bulldog Puppy"


44. "Are You My New Human?"

44. daggum

45. "This Little Bugger Has Perfected "Puppy Dog Eyes""

45. Loopdeloops

46. "Pug Puppy"

46. Inja

47. "I Am Happy"

47. imgur

48. "This Little Girl (Now 6 Months Old) Just Saved Us From Getting Burgled Last Night. Wanted To Share Her With You."

48. killermonkey87

49. "Keeshond Mixed With An American Eskimo"

49. mandersss3

50. "Alaskan Malamute"
