The 17 Most Perfect Cold Opens Ever To Appear On Television

A TV episode’s cold opening can make or mar it.

The 17 Most Perfect Cold Opens Ever To Appear On Television

Have you ever begun a new show and quickly stopped watching or switched to another show because the show didn’t do enough to pique your interest? That is the cold open or opening technique.

A TV episode’s cold opening can make or mar it. But what exactly is a cold openings, and why are show producers so fond of them?

The first scene of a TV show that comes before the opening titles is known as the cold open or opening. Though cold opens help establish a film’s main characters, the most obvious goal of this strategy is to grip the audience’s attention as soon as possible.

Whereas many shows do this with cute and enthralling opening credits, others break the rule and throw you right into the action, offering you something unexpected to get you ready for what’s to come your way subsequently. They hurl you a ton of humor that will form the basis for the episode, as well as something completely unrelated to the upcoming plot that provides a unique feel for the characters.

The following are the best examples of this cold opening technique, as they all enthralled audiences before the show even started. So sit back, grab a drink and enjoy yourself!

1. When Leslie interrupted in Parks and Rec

"In Parks and Rec when Ron tries to give Leslie some departmental news, and she bursts out with an entire verse from 'Parents Just Don’t Understand.' When she finally finishes, Ron goes, 'Someone is on fire in Ramsett Park.' LMFAO."



2. When Dean Pelton dressed like a granola bar in Community

"In Community when Dean Pelton is dressed like a granola bar and starts rapping and has a breakdown. Iconic."



3. When we Didn't see that coming in the opening of Buffy in the pilot

"The very first episode of Buffy, when Darla turns out to be the vampire (not the innocent blonde victim that's assumed) and bites the boy. Insane no matter how many times I watch it."



4. When Niles lights his pants on fire in Frasier

"The all-time favorite for me is in Frasier when Niles lights his pants on fire with the iron. It's hysterical. I just die of laughter every time. A lot of people tend to forget about shows like Frasier."



5. The opening of Game of Thrones, Season 7 when Arya was being a badass

"Arya finishing off the Freys in the Season 7 premiere of Game of Thrones."


Watch the video right here


6. When Captain Holt wears a red hat in Brooklyn 99's Season 5, Episode 20

"Simple and hilarious."



7. The cold opening in The Office

"I still cry laughing every single time I watch it."



8. Season 2 of Fleabag's opening in the bathroom

"Season 2, Episode 1 of Fleabag where you have the contrast of her looking very chic in an obviously swanky restroom, but mopping blood off her face. Then the reveal of the stranger bleeding on the floor before she smiles at you and says, 'This is a love story.' Never before have I been so delightedly confused by an opening."



9. The masterful cold opening in Euphoria Season 1

"Euphoria Season 1, Episode 1. Not only is it a class on how to introduce a show and its main character, but the lighting, the flashbacks, the setting’s a perfect cold open for what’s to come."


Watch the video right here


10. When the gang breathes in helium in New Girl

"In New Girl when Nick’s dad dies but all the roommates sucked helium from balloons, so they comfort him with their voices pitched."



11. The cold opening in Brooklyn 99 with the marshmallows

"It has to be in Brooklyn 99 when they all try to guess how Holt will react to the marshmallows!"



12. The Office's iconic cold open with the fire drill

"The Office 'Stress Relief.' Enough said."


"The fire drill open in The Office, by far. If this is not your answer, you’re wrong."



13. In Parks and Rec, when Ron found out about internet cookies

"When April shows Ron how internet cookies gather information about people, and he proceeds to throw his whole computer in the dumpster. 😂"



14. When Charles misinterpreted the conversation in Brooklyn 99

"When they’re talking about the oldest people they’ve arrested, and Charles thinks they’re talking about the oldest person they’ve had sex with!"



15. How you don't find out the meaning of it all until later in Lost Season 2, Episode 1

"'Man of Science, Man of Faith' from Lost is what IMMEDIATELY came to mind. I was showing Lost to a friend, and after the Season 1 finale, I immediately had her watch the intro scene of Season 2."


16. Kevin's chili cold open in The Office

"Let’s not forget The Office when Kevin brings in his homemade chili and immediately spills it. His calm voice while he struggles to put it back in the pot = too good."


17. The "I Want It That Way" cold open in Brooklyn 99

"When Jake was conducting the lineup, and the witness said she would know the singing voice of the guy who killed her brother because he sang 'I Want It That Way.' Jake had the group sing it solo and then as a quintet. He even joined in on the vocal action! And then, in a serious tone: 'Number 5! Number 5 is the one who killed my brother!' To which Jake replied, 'Oh, I forgot we were doing that!' Never gets old."

Ginny Kang

They all focus on capturing the attention of the audience, regardless of genre. These cold openings are a brilliant way to not only set up the upcoming episode but also to set up the tone of the series you’re watching.

Which cold open was most captivating to you, and why? Let us know in the comments section.
