Man Gets Warned To Stop Giving Human Food To His Friend's Cat, Repeats It And Gets His Whole Meal Trashed

"Do not give her anything, she is only allowed to have cat food."

Man Gets Warned To Stop Giving Human Food To His Friend's Cat, Repeats It And Gets His Whole Meal Trashed

Certain cats will come to you begging and pleading for food, especially if they witness you eating. It's risky and shouldn't be encouraged to give your cat any table scraps or little amounts of human food for a number of reasons.

First and foremost, cats require the nutrients that are explicitly included in high-quality cat diets. Any "extras" they eat will make them less hungry for their regular meals.

While a tiny piece of chicken or turkey off your dinner plate won't harm a cat, you are unintentionally fostering negative behavior in it. Certain human foods are acceptable for our beloved cats as occasional treats.

However, since their wet and dry food is designed to satisfy all of their nutritional demands, cats technically don't need human food at all. They should also stay away from a lot of meals meant for humans.

All forms of garlic, whether raw or cooked, as well as garlic powder and salt, are harmful to cats. No, cats shouldn't even consider eating garlic, so make sure your cat never comes into contact with garlic because it is about five times more harmful to cats than onions are.

The OP of today's story had warned her husband's friend so many times to stop giving their cat human food. This friend tried feeding the cat garlic bread once, and the OP trashed his whole food, which got him upset.

The OP writes

The OP writesReddit/Celia_Kitties

OP grabs it away and yell at him to get the hell away from her cat until he's learned some manners

OP grabs it away and yell at him to get the hell away from her cat until he's learned some mannersReddit/Celia_Kitties

The Reddit post got more than 2k comments and we've gathered some of the most upvoted ones for you below

The Reddit post got more than 2k comments and we've gathered some of the most upvoted ones for you belowReddit/Celia_Kitties

It's interesting OP's husband keeps inviting him over

It's interesting OP's husband keeps inviting him overReddit/Celia_Kitties

It does highlight a big issue

It does highlight a big issueReddit/Celia_Kitties

The OP didn't have a right to out his meal

The OP didn't have a right to out his mealReddit/Celia_Kitties

From a Redditor who believes the OP has more of a husband problem

NTA though you have more of a husband problem than a husband's friend problem, Steve has shown he has zero respect for you in your own home with your own pet and your husband is allowing this to continue in your home.

He can have his friendship with Steve but he should not be welcome in your shared home where he only has respect for one resident and keeps trying to feed the family pet food that could make them ill or even be toxic to them.

Why is his behavior even tolerated in the first place?

Why is his behavior even tolerated in the first place?Reddit/Celia_Kitties

The husband did nothing when his wife was called names

The husband did nothing when his wife was called namesReddit/Celia_Kitties

Garlic is toxic to cats

Garlic is toxic to catsReddit/Celia_Kitties

The OP should give Steve cat food

The OP should give Steve cat foodReddit/Celia_Kitties

OP's husband is as much of an AH as his friend

OP's husband is as much of an AH as his friendReddit/Celia_Kitties

Neither of them would be allowed back

Neither of them would be allowed backReddit/Celia_Kitties

It essentially communicates one's belief when they are so significant that they think they can harm or even cause inconvenience to other living things on a whim. In addition to being poisonous to dogs and cats, this friend has been warned to cut it out.

Many Redditors say that if the OP's husband continues to let his friend do this despite her repeated requests for him to stop, then she has a problem with her marriage.
