While it's a prevalent misconception that dogs were domesticated by humans, there is some evidence to suggest that our relationship is more reciprocal. For instance, social systems in wolves and dogs are more similar to ours than those in chimpanzees or apes.
Early humans may have acquired this trait from dogs, making them more territorial than their ape relatives. Consider how human-like the expressions on your fuzzy companions might be as some canines have incredibly expressive lips, sighs, and eyebrows.
Around 14000 AD, there was the first concrete evidence of relations between humans and dogs that more closely approximated a family. In Germany, two human skeletons and a dog's mandible were discovered interred there.
Researchers found that someone, most likely the two buried humans, had been trying to save the dog from canine distemper, which caused it to die young. Even though it is sad, it is heartening to consider that our ancestors already viewed dogs as companions as well as instruments for hunting.
Most canine owners will find the memes on the Instagram page "Dog Pix" to be incredibly relatable. So keep scrolling and enjoy 50 of their best posts below.
Dogs are renowned for being intelligent creatures, and age is no impediment to learning "new tricks." One of the few surefire methods to brighten your day is by spending time with dogs.
Almost always, petting or simply seeing a fuzzy friend is enough to make someone smile from ear to ear. Do share this post to put a smile on someone's face too.