Adorable Pig Was Raised With Five Dogs And Believes He’s One Of Them

Chowder defies convention by living as part of a pack of rescue dogs on a farm.

Adorable Pig Was Raised With Five Dogs And Believes He’s One Of Them

In a world where pets come in all shapes and sizes, one particular pig is making waves for being just like his canine companions – except he's not a dog at all. Meet Chowder, an eight-year-old Vietnamese potbellied pig who defies convention by living as part of a pack of rescue dogs on a farm.

Under Shelby Madere's care, Chowder has grown up alongside five canine siblings, forming an unlikely but inseparable bond. Their adventures, chronicled on Instagram under the handle piggypoo_and_crew, have captured the hearts of animal lovers worldwide.

Chowder's story challenges traditional notions of what it means to be a family pet. While he may not bark like his companions or fetch sticks with the same enthusiasm, Chowder embraces his identity as a pig with undeniable charm.

Sporting matching collars and engaging in playful antics, he proves that love knows no species boundaries. In a world where conformity often reigns supreme, Chowder's unapologetic individuality is a refreshing reminder that diversity enriches our lives.

His presence on social media entertains and inspires others to embrace the unique qualities that make each creature special. Chowder's integration into the canine crew highlights the universal desire for companionship and acceptance despite being of a different species.

In his world, it doesn't matter if you have hooves or paws – what matters is the bond that transcends physical differences. Chowder's story also sheds light on the power of social media in shaping perceptions and fostering community.

His story has reached audiences far and wide through platforms like Instagram, sparking conversations about inclusion and redefining conventional norms.

Chowder isn't your typical dog. He's not a dog at all.

Chowder isn't your typical dog. He's not a dog at all.Instagram

Chowder might not look like his siblings, but he fits in with the group.

Chowder might not look like his siblings, but he fits in with the group.Instagram

Shelby Madere, a devoted pet mom, ensures her entire group of pets is well-cared for, safe, and happy.

Shelby Madere, a devoted pet mom, ensures her entire group of pets is well-cared for, safe, and happy.Instagram

Chowder is an intelligent little pig who loves to cuddle.

Chowder is an intelligent little pig who loves to cuddle.Instagram

And he can strike a pose just as well as his sister Nya.

And he can strike a pose just as well as his sister Nya.Instagram

Chowder enjoys playing with his siblings, and they have a great time together.

Chowder enjoys playing with his siblings, and they have a great time together.Instagram

He doesn't need paws to win us over. What a charmer.

He doesn't need paws to win us over. What a charmer.Instagram

Chowder and his siblings look absolutely adorable together.

Chowder and his siblings look absolutely adorable together.Instagram

Check out this fantastic group.

Check out this fantastic group.Instagram

You can see how much they care for each other.

You can see how much they care for each other.Instagram

They're all so glad Madere united them.

They're all so glad Madere united them.Instagram

Because the love they share runs more profound than any superficial differences, they will forever be a family.

Because the love they share runs more profound than any superficial differences, they will forever be a family.Instagram

As Chowder continues to charm followers with his antics, he shows us that sometimes, the most extraordinary friendships can blossom in unexpected places. Whether snuggling up with his canine siblings or rooting in the mud, Chowder's zest for life is infectious.

In a world often divided by differences, Chowder's story encourages us to embrace the quirks that make us unique and celebrate the bonds that unite us. So the next time you encounter a pig who thinks he's a dog, remember Chowder's tale and the joy of embracing life's delightful surprises.
