15 Believable Lies That Hollywood Has Been Feeding Us For Decades

They have been lying to us this whole time.

15 Believable Lies That Hollywood Has Been Feeding Us For Decades

There’s a reason why movies and television shows are called fiction. It’s because they are products of people’s imagination. 

Despite that, it’s normal to expect that some things are at least accurate, especially when you see the same thing in hundreds of movies. That’s why most viewers learn much about fighting from movies — or they think they do.

When you see actors and actresses showcasing their mastery of weapons and displaying impressive kicks and punches, it’s easy to forget that it’s all an act. 

Whether it’s for self-defense or just for the fun of it, we may even find ourselves displaying some moves we learned from the screen. 

As fun as that is, there is one problem; Hollywood has been feeding us lies! We're sorry to burst your bubble, but it is what it is. 

If you're caught in a real life situation, you would achieve little or nothing by applying the knowledge gained from your favorite Kung Fu, Crime or Action series.

Just to give you a clearer picture, here’s a list of 15 lies movies have taught us about fighting and weapons. These revelations will leave you shocked, but it's a good way to educate yourself about the reality of things. 

1. Punching someone in the head will give you an advantage in a fight

Truth: Chances are, you'll end up with a sore hand. In other words, your hand will hurt you more than your opponents face.

1. Punching someone in the head will give you an advantage in a fight

2. Sword fights are all about clanging blades

Truth: Watch out because your opponent may kick or punch you too. At least, that's how the real swordsmen of the 18th/19th century fought.

2. Sword fights are all about clanging blades

3. Silencers are silent

Truth: Don’t be fooled by their name. An Sig P226 pistol fitted with a silencer registers about 120 decibels when fired, as loud as an ambulance siren.

3. Silencers are silent

4. You still have a fighting chance if your hand is cut off in combat

Truth: You would bleed out and lose consciousness in a few minutes.

4. You still have a fighting chance if your hand is cut off in combat

5. It's ok to hang a long sword on your back

Truth: It’s not practical. Such a sword will be longer than your arm, so drawing it from the back scabbard would cause all sorts of delays that can give your opponent the advantage.

5. It's ok to hang a long sword on your back

6. Bullets fly in a straight line towards the target

Truth: Did you forget about gravity? Once a bullet leaves the barrel, it follows a slight downward curve because gravity tugs it toward the ground.

6. Bullets fly in a straight line towards the target

7. Chloroform will knock you out the second you inhale it

Truth: It takes about 2 to 3 minutes of inhalation to be effective. Now imagine if your target is struggling and fighting back.

7. Chloroform will knock you out the second you inhale it

8. Bulletproof vests are bulletproof

Truth: Sorry to burst your bubble; the job of a bulletproof vest is to keep bullets from penetrating your skin; the manufacturers didn't say you won't get injured.

8. Bulletproof vests are bulletproof

9. You can shoot a Machine gun for a long time without reloading

Truth: That unending hail of bullets you see in movies is just fiction. In reality you'll run dry in under 10 minutes.

9. You can shoot a Machine gun for a long time without reloading

10. Shooting a car can cause it to explode

Truth: Only fire can do this.

10. Shooting a car can cause it to explode

11. When using a snipper, all you need to do is get your target in the cross-hairs and it's lights out

Truth: It's a lot more complicated than that. Sniping a target involves a great deal of cognitive physics and other elements.

11. When using a snipper, all you need to do is get your target in the cross-hairs and it's lights out

12. Kicking your opponent is a good form of attack in combat

Truth: Kicks are not ideal. They are slower than punches, tedious, and exposes your crotch to a counterattack.

12. Kicking your opponent is a good form of attack in combat

13. You can easily open a lock by shooting it

Truth: You will only end up with a mangled, unopened lock.

13. You can easily open a lock by shooting it

14. A sword will make a "shwing" sound when you draw it out of it's sheath

Truth: That noise is just a dramatic effect. Sheaths are typically made from leather, which eliminates the possibility of such a sound.

However, a metal sheath can produce a shwing sound, but metal sheaths are not common. In fact, it could even blunt the sword over time.

14. A sword will make a

15. It’s easy to find a fingerprint on a gun

Truth: Because firearms typically have jagged edges and surfaces, it is difficult to leave a fingerprint on one.

15. It’s easy to find a fingerprint on a gun

Aren’t you grateful you read this piece? Now you know the truth.

Never attempt to get out of trouble or solve an issue with knowledge gotten from Hollywood movies. Trust us, it's a bad idea. 

With these new lessons, you'll be able to decipher reality from fiction the next time you're watching your favorite series.

Don't worry, it won't be any less interesting than when you didn't know. After all, we all love Avengers even though we know there are no Infinity Stones that can wipe half of the earth's population.

Before we let you go, tell us which revelation stunned you the most.
