30 Hilarious Parenting Tweets That Truly Show Us How Funny Parenting Is
Who said that parenting is easy?
- Published in Funny
Parenting can be so tough sometimes. It’s probably because we can’t get used to the fact that our kid, which we fed and bathed until yesterday, is now talking back to us and showing character. We wanted them to have a personality, and now we have to live with the results. Be careful what you wish for.
A good thing is that we are not alone. Parents love to share their experiences online, and there’s an endless supply of hilarious tweets that perfectly describe parenting. And we have selected 30 of their funniest posts. We know you are going to love them. And totally relate.
iinkedZombieParenting expert and author of “The Work/Parent Switch,” Anita Cleare, says that “Trying to be a perfect parent is bad for children and bad for parents because it sets everybody up to fail. Research shows that ‘good enough’ parenting is best for children.”
“Getting it right most of the time but also failing your children in ways they can handle—so that they gradually increase their independence.” Cleare explained, “Great parents make mistakes but they try to learn from them (and not to repeat them too often!).”
simonchollandMaking a perfect balance between work and family life can be exhausting, particularly for new parents trying to get everything done in time and never have breaks. This can make them feel like the walls are closing in on them and that everything is wrong.
Cleare pointed out that parents need to look after themselves. Particularly in situations like those.
“Putting yourself last is not good for you or for your kids. Even when you are really busy, try to find regular 5-20 minute breaks in your day when you can relax, practice some mindfulness, or do something joyful,” she says.
sweetmomissaCleare said that parents can maintain a positive attitude by ending each and every day by being thankful. She recommended that they identify three things that they’re thankful to have in their lives. “Looking for the positives really does increase positivity.” Give it a try. It works.