20 Hilarious Dogs Who Decided To Hang Out With Cats Caught In These Extremely Amusing Pictures

Dogs are one of the friendliest pets you can own and they just want to get involved with whatever is going on around them, these 20 photos show that cats are not an exception.

  • Published in Animals
20 Hilarious Dogs Who Decided To Hang Out With Cats Caught In These Extremely Amusing Pictures

When it comes to cats and dogs, the notion that these two furbabies can't get along is more than a myth, to be honest. We're all aware that their personalities are quite different.

Dogs are one of the most social creatures, earning them the title "man's friend", they're playful and friendly. Cats on the other hand are crafty, mischievous and cunningly cute.

As a result, dogs play with everyone and they make friends easily, sometimes not caring if it's with an indifferent cat who doesn't care about anything.

As furfans, our love for these furry feline and canine pair has spurred us on to put together 20 photos of adventure inclined dogs. These dogs want to be seen where the cats are, go where cats go, and funny enough, do what cats do.

These dogs think it's cool to explore cat territory while making friends or looking for a comfortable spot to nap. Some of them would even venture to the edge of danger just to be with their friends.See #2.

Gratefully, our lovely cats did not show any sign of hostility to the dogs, realizing they did not mean any harm the cats allowed them to stay.

Keep scrolling to see these adorable pictures of dogs who want to be where the cats are, we hope you're ready for kawaiiness overload! Lol, that's Japanese for being cute.

It's our pleasure to share these photos with you.

1. "Hey, what are you doing here?"


2. Looks like someone got stuck trying to imitate their friend

2. Looks like someone got stuck trying to imitate their friend

3. He looks so comfortable...or not

3. He looks so comfortable...or not

4. "He's watching me, right?"


5. "You're not the only ones entitled to a window view"


6. These great pals decided to switch places

6. These great pals decided to switch places

7. "Oh! Hello..."


8. Either way, they get to hang out

8. Either way, they get to hang out

9. Just relaxing

9. Just relaxing

10. Pretty sure he loves the view from up there

10. Pretty sure he loves the view from up there

11. Bad doggy

11. Bad doggy

12. Blended right in with the cat, looked almost as if he was meant to be there

12. Blended right in with the cat, looked almost as if he was meant to be there

13. It's the expression for me and the cat seems trapped too, lol

13. It's the expression for me and the cat seems trapped too, lol

14. Seems purr-fect

14. Seems purr-fect

15. Great vantage point for viewing the kitchen

15. Great vantage point for viewing the kitchen

16. Waiting for payday like...

16. Waiting for payday like...

17. "Don't worry, we'll make great friends"


18. Trying to make this friendship thing work

18. Trying to make this friendship thing work

19. Napping with friends

19. Napping with friends

20. "I'm pretty sure she doesn't mind"


We believe that after you've seen these pictures, you won't find it hard believing that cats and dogs can become best of friends. These pics should erase any form of mysticism surrounding these two great pets.

Hope you found these pictures funny? If you love these photos, we'll like you to share them with your friends ad family.
