Meet The World's Most Tattooed Doctor Who Has To Explain Why She Should Be Treated Equally

She's got a lot to say about the prejudice she faces because of it.

Meet The World's Most Tattooed Doctor Who Has To Explain Why She Should Be Treated Equally

I love tattoos. I have a lot of them. Luckily, in this day and age (and only within the last 20 or so years) I can for the most part be respected and entitled to my choice of body art. I can hold down most jobs without prejudice and for the most part am not looked upon any differently at all than I would be otherwise.

But that might be because I'm a writer. If I were a doctor I think things may be a little different, which is exactly what Dr. Sarah Gray from Adelaide, Australia deals with everyday.


Meet Sarah Gray, from Adelaide, Australia. She is a fully qualified doctor and trainee surgeon and also happens to be covered in tattoos. She says that despite her years of hard work and dedication to get to where she is, she still encounters prejudice just about everyday.


"Having colourful skin in no way affects your skill level and with all the anti-discrimination laws now it wouldn’t be appropriate to compartmentalise or treat me differently based on my appearance."

Luckily at work the patients and other doctors seem to treat her without discrimination, however in the outside world it's a very different story.

One day after being sat for lunch at a restaurant, they found out the venue had quite a harsh policy.

"After being seated for lunch, management then came up to us and asked us to leave as they had a ‘no visible tattoo policy’ for diners. That was a little disappointing to say the least."

Imagine those examining you!

Imagine those examining you!Instagram

Gray goes on to explain that this is unfortunately fairly common practice, much to her disappointment.

"Quite a few night venues seems to have this policy and although it doesn’t affect me very often as I hardly go out, it can be super frustrating when we get categorised as “bad people” or being gang affiliated due to our colourful skin."


Seems like a talented, intelligent and tough lady to me! I wish her all the best and here's hoping these prejudices can make their way out of our society entirely!
