Mom Furious As Future MIL Decides To Exclude Her Kids From Family Vacation By Saying It's For 'Adults Only'

She realized she was lied to when her FSIL arrived with her three children.

Mom Furious As Future MIL Decides To Exclude Her Kids From Family Vacation By Saying It's For 'Adults Only'

How can a single mom determine if the person she's about to marry is the right fit for her and her children? Proving this can be challenging, especially when she doesn't see any red flags with the man.

However, there are instances where circumstances can shed light on whether he is truly the right partner. One example that illustrates this is a story from the 'Am I The A**hole?' (AITA) subreddit.

A mom with two little girls, who tragically lost her husband to cancer, is facing a tough situation with her fiancé's mom. Her future mother-in-law doesn't exactly have the warmest feelings toward single moms, especially since she's earning a lot less than her SO.

The FMIL has even gone so far as to leave the girls out of family gatherings, which has caused some friction. One day, the original poster (OP) was invited to a 3-day family trip, but guess what?

It was "adults only." The mom, hesitantly, left her kids with a babysitter to join the trip, only to arrive and find her sister-in-law with her three kids in tow.

Yep, you guessed it, the mother-in-law had fibbed about the trip being for grown-ups only to keep the girls away. Understandably, it made the mom pretty mad.

She let her fiancé and his mom have an earful and decided to bail on the trip, canceling her ticket. The man is blaming her for stirring up family drama.

In the end, mom feels utterly betrayed and heartbroken because her little girls were excluded once again.

The OP reveals her family situation and that she's in a relationship.

The OP reveals her family situation and that she's in a relationship.Reddit

Her FMIL isn't too fond of her.

And although the OP's relationship with the FMIL is improving, the FMIL tends to exclude the OP's kids from gatherings.

Her FMIL isn't too fond of her.Reddit

The OP was invited to an adults-only family trip by the FMIL.

The OP was invited to an adults-only family trip by the FMIL.Reddit

When she and her fiancé met up with the rest of the family, the OP discovered she was lied to.

It wasn't an adults-only trip.

When she and her fiancé met up with the rest of the family, the OP discovered she was lied to.Reddit

The SIL's husband told her that the FMIL must have lied so she could exclude the OP's kids.

The SIL's husband told her that the FMIL must have lied so she could exclude the OP's kids.Reddit

She didn't join the trip. It ended up in a fight with her fiancé.

She didn't join the trip. It ended up in a fight with her fiancé.Reddit

The fiancé finally reveals his true colors. This isn't looking good for the OP.

The fiancé finally reveals his true colors. This isn't looking good for the OP.Reddit

She might want to reconsider marrying this guy.

She might want to reconsider marrying this guy.Reddit

He's defending his mom even if it's clear that the FMIL is in the wrong.

He's defending his mom even if it's clear that the FMIL is in the wrong.Reddit

The FMIL should've been honest.

The FMIL should've been honest.Reddit

This guy's blaming the wrong person.

This guy's blaming the wrong person.Reddit

This'll be a problem in the long run.

This'll be a problem in the long run.Reddit

It wasn't about causing family drama; it was simply refusing to yield to the FMIL's manipulation.

It wasn't about causing family drama; it was simply refusing to yield to the FMIL's manipulation.Reddit

The guy needs to understand that while he doesn't have the responsibility as a dad, he has the responsibility to emotionally protect the kids.

The guy needs to understand that while he doesn't have the responsibility as a dad, he has the responsibility to emotionally protect the kids.Reddit

This situation definitely reveals the guys red flags.

This situation definitely reveals the guys red flags.Reddit


The fact that the guy defended his lying mom is already alarming.

The fact that the guy defended his lying mom is already alarming.Reddit

Did the fiancé even think about his mom's actions?

Did the fiancé even think about his mom's actions?Reddit

If he truly cared, he could've canceled the trip.

If he truly cared, he could've canceled the trip.Reddit

Looks like the OP's fiancé is a mama's boy.

Looks like the OP's fiancé is a mama's boy.Reddit

Time to return the ring to the fiancé.

Time to return the ring to the fiancé.Reddit

The OP should've considered the fiancé her ex the moment he defended his mom, the users thinks.

The OP should've considered the fiancé her ex the moment he defended his mom, the users thinks.Reddit

This is the ideal scenario.

This is the ideal scenario.Reddit

The lying was intentional.

The lying was intentional.Reddit

The fiancé is siding with a liar. Yikes!

The fiancé is siding with a liar. Yikes!Reddit

In this situation, the fiance, sadly, is an enabler.

In this situation, the fiance, sadly, is an enabler.Reddit

Given their two-year relationship, it's only natural for people to assume that the FMIL should already be showing love and respect to the OP's kids.

Given their two-year relationship, it's only natural for people to assume that the FMIL should already be showing love and respect to the OP's kids.Reddit

Why was the guy not appalled by his lying mother?

Why was the guy not appalled by his lying mother?Reddit

The OP and her kids deserve better treatment.

The OP and her kids deserve better treatment.Reddit

Redditors don't see the situation improving. The FMIL will just repeat her actions.

Redditors don't see the situation improving. The FMIL will just repeat her actions.Reddit

At least, the SIL's husband was concerned.

At least, the SIL's husband was concerned.Reddit

FMIL brought inconveniences to the OP's family because of a lie.

FMIL brought inconveniences to the OP's family because of a lie.Reddit

The FMIL was the root of this drama, not the OP.

There's nothing wrong with standing up against this kind of unfair treatment.

The FMIL was the root of this drama, not the OP.Reddit

The real a-holes here are the FMIL and the OP's fiancé.

The real a-holes here are the FMIL and the OP's fiancé.Reddit

The OP and her kids will never be good enough for the FMIL.

The OP and her kids will never be good enough for the FMIL.Reddit

The fiancé should have stood up for the OP.

The fiancé should have stood up for the OP.Reddit

The situation will only improve when fiancé and his family are out of their lives.

The situation will only improve when fiancé and his family are out of their lives.Reddit

The FMIL is very much aware of her actions. Sadly, the fiancé doesn't consider them a problem.

The FMIL is very much aware of her actions. Sadly, the fiancé doesn't consider them a problem.Reddit


The OP didn't spring her kids on the FMIL. All the FMIL needed to do was to be honest about it.

The OP didn't spring her kids on the FMIL. All the FMIL needed to do was to be honest about it.Reddit

Sadly, the FMIL's attitude toward the OP's children won't change.

Sadly, the FMIL's attitude toward the OP's children won't change.Reddit


The fiancé's love for the girls might be superficial.

The fiancé's love for the girls might be superficial.Reddit

The fiancé's reaction is clearly a red flag.

The fiancé's reaction is clearly a red flag.Reddit

This is disrespect and the OP's kids don't deserve this.

This is disrespect and the OP's kids don't deserve this.Reddit

It's a good thing that the OP stood up for her kids.

It's a good thing that the OP stood up for her kids.Reddit

If this Redditor were the OP, she would've dumped the fiancé.

If this Redditor were the OP, she would've dumped the fiancé.Reddit

This can't be considered springing the kids on the FMIL.

This can't be considered springing the kids on the FMIL.Reddit

Part of being a family is the FMIL accepting the OP's kids.

Part of being a family is the FMIL accepting the OP's kids.Reddit

If only the FMIL allowed the kids to go with them, it would've been a good opportunity to know and bond with each other.

If only the FMIL allowed the kids to go with them, it would've been a good opportunity to know and bond with each other.Reddit

Maybe he's just pretending he adores the girls.

Maybe he's just pretending he adores the girls.Reddit

The FMIL's attitude toward the OP's kids will never change. Unless the fiancé does something about it, the little ones will always be left out.

The OP stood up for her kids, but her fiancé wasn't cooperating. Eventually, the kids will notice this kind of disrespect, causing emotional pain.

Ultimately, the decision regarding the relationship rests with the OP, and many Redditors are advising her to run away from this man and his family.
