30 Men Reveal Heartwarming Gestures From Women That Deepened Their Sense Of Love And Appreciation
These stories will just melt your heart
- Published in Interesting
In our shared humanity, we often focus on our differences, but deep down, we all desire similar things. Beyond our basic needs for food, water, and shelter, we long for physical closeness and emotional connection. Love, respect, and care are universal aspirations that unite us.
Recently, a Reddit user named u/optimist_cult sparked a heartfelt and genuine conversation on the r/AskReddit subreddit. They asked men to share the romantic gestures they wished women would do more often.
The responses that poured in were heartwarming and are sure to bring a smile to your face. Men from all walks of life opened up and shared their honest experiences, revealing the small acts of love they yearned for in their relationships.
These stories showed the power of vulnerability and how even the simplest gestures can make a lasting impact. Join us as we explore these touching insights that remind us of the importance of cherishing and valuing one another.
These stories will inspire you and serve as a reminder of the meaningful connections we can create through kindness and love. Get ready to be moved by the genuine desires expressed by these individuals who seek affection and appreciation in their lives.
Continue scrolling to discover their heartfelt responses and insights.
Pexels1. Advice for women seeking a man
Happily married father of 3 who met their wife on an online dating site with generic advice for women looking for a man.
1. Men don't get complimented, like at all, ever. You don't have to fawn over someone, but if you tell a guy, "Nice Watch" on a date you better damn believe that man is going to be wearing that watch at his funeral. I've had women compliment different parts of my body (non-sexually) and I'm pretty sure I remember every one of those compliments I've ever gotten.
2. Men, especially young men are absolutely terrified that they might be mistaking the moves you are making on him as being innocent. It would be humiliating to us to think you were coming on to us when you were not. You need to be absolutely clear with a guy if you are coming on to him. You need to say, "I'd really like it if we went out on a date sometime to get coffee or play mini-golf". Many guys won't pick up on it unless you use the words "on a date".
3. Point number 2 goes double for sexual interest. We can be our own worst enemies and completely miss things. Example, I took a girl to the Marine Corps ball before I met my wife. We had agreat time, and on my way driving her back to her car she said I wished that night didn't have to end, she said it didn't have to and she kissed me passionately... so I took her to Waffle House because it was the middle of the night and no place else was open. Now, it may be obvious to you what she was saying but it was completely over my head because I couldn't imagine a girl that pretty being into me.
4. I've had girls I dated be really shallow and not want to talk about themselves for fear of being embarrassed. Do you know what my wife did on our first date that no one else did (no, not that, get your head out of the gutter)... she talked about what she was passionate about and interested in. My wife was a huge book worm, a nerd, and a big Star Trek fan. Ladies, we don't care what your hobby is, if you are passionate about it that makes you interesting to us. I've now watched every episode of every Star Trek series with my wife (actually, 5 left of TOS plus the animated series and the latest Picard but you get the idea)
5. Be confident in yourself and tell that guy you like that you like him clearly as shown above. When I left high school I had not 1, not 2, but 3 girls moving out of town for college confess to me that they really like me and would have dated me if I had asked. All thought they had made their feelings clear but these all came out of left field.
6. There is no man, not one single man on this planet that wouldn't be pleasantly surprised if someone wonderful became a part of theirs.
7. Despite what you might think from reading Reddit, not every man on a dating site is just looking for a hookup. I met my wife, the mother of my 3 kids almost 15years ago on match.com.
Good luck!
shortadamlewis2. Just a simple gesture to let the other person know they are cherished
For me it physical contact. My late wife was huge on physical contact. We were always holding hands, hand on a thigh when sitting, she would hook her arm around mine and press her body against mine when we'd be standing in line, random hugs for no reason, etc. Sometimes in bed she'd reach over and just and squeeze my arm and say "I love you" when we'd be going to sleep.
My favorite was when I'd be driving. She had nice acryllic French tipped nails and she'd gently rub and scratch the back of my head and neck. Damn I miss that.
It doesn't even need to be sexual. Just gentle contact to let the other know you love them.
HumpieDouglas3. Empathy is key
When you ask how my day was, and I tell you I had a bad day. Please don't tell me you had a worse day. That doesn't help me with my bad day, now I'm trying to cheer us both up.
HooterEnthusiast4. Hug for longer
Hug for longer. Every time a guy gets hugged he pretends it didn't affect him and then he goes to sleep all warm and fuzzy
Fake-And-Gay-Bot5. Flowers on Valentine's Day
So I got given flowers for Valentine’s, and I cannot express the joy I felt receiving them hahaha.
6. Physical touch is a powerful love language
Everyone has their own love language, for me it's physical touch. A handsy girl can make me melt and I don't mean sexual touching, like hand holding, walking arm in arm, cuddling, running her fingers through my hair, touching my face, etc. things like that. Also receiving compliments on our appearance is something I think every man loves since, at least in my experience, we don't get that many.
Nothing crazy, but if you notice something you like about him, tell him, like "that shirt looks really good on you," or "I love what you did with your hair," just be prepared for whatever article of clothing you compliment to become his favorite piece or for whatever hairstyle you compliment to become his new default.
vivivivivistan7. Simple pause from her busy schedule to cuddle
We live in a busy world.
if she were to stop in the middle of what she was doing and come over to cuddle and tell me a joke or a compliment., my happiness meter would explode. and my day would be one to remember.
i_would_have8. "Stop dropping hints and tell us outright if you want to be with us"
kobayashimaru689. Open and honest communication
Clear and direct communication. I'm neurodiverse so social cues aren't my strong suit and when my partner wants something from me they will just ask. Whether that's affirmation, a cuddle, a kiss. Not the most romantic but it makes me feel safe and valued.
They also pick flowers for me when I'm feeling down so that's pretty romantic and I like that and hope other folks get to experience it.
NoElevator176810. A simple hug
Listen, if you just hug me out of nowhere every so often, I will love you forever. That and try any new stuff I cook for the first time
LTAD_210811. Playful moments of affection and lighthearted teasing
After commenting I just remembered another instance, being playful. My late wife LOVED doing playful things to aggravate me but in a silly playful way. Her favorite and the one I always fell for was she'd want a little kiss and the moment my lips touched hers she'd stick her tongue out so it went between my lips.
It used to irritate the s**t out of me but she was being playful. I really miss that stuff now. If I was to date again I'd want someone that does playful stuff like this.
HumpieDouglas12. Small spontaneous gifts
Small spontaneous stuff like little notes, random gifts even if its my fav chocolate bar, drink etc.
Its not super romantic in the momebt but its these really tiny things that add up for me that have me glancing over at my girlfriend randomly falling in love all over again.
mvfsullivan13. Kisses and cuddles
I wish women/men would stop assuming romance is all about sex I have always hated the idea of it and whenever I admitted that I like someone they usually assumed sex instead try kisses and cuddles or snuggles
boywith7names14. One girl listened, cared, and captured my heart
I've opened up to women who responded with something along the lines of "I'm so glad you feel like you can open up to me" which made me feel like they were making it about themselves. Later some of those women used that vulnerability against me when it suited their needs. One girl just listened and cared. Guess who I fell for
Icy-Service-5215. Handwritten love notes
As a hopeful Romeo, I'd swoon for handwritten love notes hidden in unexpected places. It's like an analog flirtation treasure hunt, turning my heart into a giddy Indiana Jones.
16. Small gestures
Small gestures. Pour me a whiskey after a long day. Run me a bath. Buy me some beer. Offer to drive.
I’ll make you tea. Bring you a blanket. Run you a bath. But you flowers etc etc.
Just reciprocate really
United-Hovercraft40917. hugs from behind, head rubs too. Random compliments are nice as well."
FauxGunny18. Holding hands
My ex used to play with my hands when we’d be watching a movie or something. We’d be holding hands, but in a more active way - she would kind of run her hands through mine, kind of just fiddle with them. I am not sure why I liked it, but I did. Miss that.
DrDixonCider19. Planned dates
Plan dates without my input. I'm 40 and can count on one hand the number of times that has happened in my life.
thingpaint20. "Make him feel desired"
Make him feel desired. Stop acting like the only 'prize' in a relationship is you. Take him out on a date. Get involved in his hobbies especially when he's willing to be involved and support you in yours.
aCreativeUserName66621. "Let me be little spoon and play w my hair."
MeMikeWis22. Expressing thoughts openly and honestly
Articulated what's on your mind...helps strengthen bonds between us with no assumptions and self guessing.
23. Attentive listening
Being really present and genuinely listening. Putting the phone away and making space to hear what's going on for you.
24. "A conversation over a cup of coffee is a nice gesture. Definitely would make my whole week"
anon25. The need for equal appreciation in both genders.
I wished women would approach me if they are interested. I feel like men approaching women are far less appreciated than women approaching men.
26. thought she was taking me on a surprise camping trip, but instead we hopped on a train to the airport and flew to Norway."
6ygjhgui27. Break gender norms
"Initiate the conversation. Pretty obvious when someone is attracted to you. Why does it have to be the man to start s**t. I'm tired of the chase to be fair, just want a butterly to fly right into the net."
xXTre930Xx28. Embrace commitment and effort in relationships
Take relationships seriously. It's been my experience that most of them just jump from one guy to the next as soon as the relationship becomes mildly inconvenient for them and requires a tiny amount effort and communication from them.
Also, I wish they'd be the one to initiate more, but let's face it. They really don't need to.
SilverLugia199229. Openness and honesty are essential, even if the truth is painful
Honesty would be nice, even when the truth might hurt.
I was let on for almost a year by this girl who just this past weekend revealed that she had been chasing someone, and they had just made things official. This was after telling me that she needed time to recover from her last relationship when I expressed interest in her.
SplatMySocks30. "Taking interest in your hobbies"
Taking interest in your hobbies. I love watching Supercross, motocross, MotoGP, football games etc. I don’t expect someone who isn’t as passionate about that stuff as me to want to watch every race or game and know much about that stuff.
But something as simple as “I would love for YOU to take me to a race/game” show casing that they want you to be the man to introduce them to maybe something they know nothing about. Or better yet surprising you with some tickets to a game when you know they aren’t even a sports fan.
FizzleFoxThe heartfelt responses shared by men in the Reddit thread emphasize the importance of small gestures in fostering love and connection. These stories serve as a reminder to prioritize acts of affection and appreciation in our relationships.
Let us carry these lessons with us, spreading kindness and making the world a more loving place for all.