20+ Entertaining Images Of Replies To A Question About What You Would Do If Given The Power Of God For One Hour Will Amaze You

It will be so cool to have superpowers sometimes, even if it’s just a teeny weeny little bit of power.

20+ Entertaining Images Of Replies To A Question About What You Would Do If Given The Power Of God For One Hour Will Amaze You

Don’t you just wish you had superpowers sometimes, even if it’s just a teeny weeny little bit of power? You know, just chill somewhere and make things happen with just a snap of your fingers.

That’d be so cool. Imagine coming back home from a tiring day at work and then slumping on that comfortable sofa.

But then, you need to grab something across from you, say your phone, and you find out you can’t because you just don’t have the strength to move from your position.

Now imagine being able to snap your fingers and have your phone come to you, snap your fingers and have your machine make you coffee, snap your fingers and have food cook itself, and so on, just like in all the fantasy movies we see on the internet. Also imagine you reading this post without having to hold your phone.

Cool, right? You find out that there is so much more you could do if you had a little good power at your disposal.

Well, this Reddit user by the name u/Purple_Pineapple_752 must have been really curious about what people would do if they had powers. That made the Redditor ask the Reddit community this question: if God gave you his powers for one hour, what would you do?

Now sit back and enjoy the entertaining responses from them.

What would you do with the power of God?

What would you do with the power of God?u/Purple_Pineapple_752

This sparked so many responses from redditors that the post got over 9K comments and 13.3K upvotes. Here are some of the best responses.

1. Redesign human knee and shoulder joints

1. Redesign human knee and shoulder jointsm_sporkboy

2. Spending the whole hour thinking

2. Spending the whole hour thinkingqueenettaa

3. And that's how you get stuck in the job

3. And that's how you get stuck in the jobTheLavaFall

4. I sneezed and missed my chance at being a god

4. I sneezed and missed my chance at being a godBlack-Mettle

5. "I'm gonna make some weird sh*t"

5. 24520ls

6. Are all the other diddlers free to diddle?

6. Are all the other diddlers free to diddle?IN33dMon3y

7. That is one smart move

The second comment is just spot on

7. That is one smart movereddevil109

8. Just walk away from the simulation

8. Just walk away from the simulationDooty_Shirker

9. I want the sponsoring money as well

9. I want the sponsoring money as wellSnooTangerines3269

10. Repair the planet and damage it again

10. Repair the planet and damage it againArkane2552

11. And Nasdaq hits a new all time high

11. And Nasdaq hits a new all time highLightsJusticeZ

12. Everyone will automatically have emotional maturity

12. Everyone will automatically have emotional maturitySelect_Ad3588

13. Now, this is true entertainment at its peak

13. Now, this is true entertainment at its peakStateowned

14. Make dragons and bring back the dinosaurs

14. Make dragons and bring back the dinosaursSwagFeather

15. Everyone will be slipping and tripping

The third comment has got me laughing so hard...

15. Everyone will be slipping and trippingwh9doiexist

16. Creating various images on toast

16. Creating various images on toastCaptchaSolvingRobot

17. No politician will be able to lie to the masses again


17. No politician will be able to lie to the masses againAlphaTangoFoxtrt

18. Erase all forms of cancer in the world

18. Erase all forms of cancer in the worldKeithninety

19. I'm wondering what's there to be redecorated...

19. I'm wondering what's there to be redecorated...UndyingOrdeal

20. Somebody is hell bent on getting revenge

20. Somebody is hell bent on getting revengeSonic_did_9-11

21. I'd do this over and over again

21. I'd do this over and over againPilot_cooper_isbest

22. This one loves experiment but doesn't want to waste money

22. This one loves experiment but doesn't want to waste moneybodiepartlow

Inasmuch as there is so much we would do and can achieve with God’s power, we also ought to remember that there is a one-hour time limit. And one thing that normally happens when you’re doing something that is timed is that time keeps running so fast.

Nevertheless, we’d love to know what you would do if you had the power of God for one hour, so leave your comments below.
